Refrigerator Accessories to Help Mom Stay Organized

by Jimmie

Organize the kitchen chaos with these practical and pretty refrigerator accessories -- calendars, chalkboard panels, and organizers.

The Focal Point of the Kitchen -- The Refrigerator

When I lived in China, my local friends were intrigued by the refrigerator magnets, photos, receipts, and lists that I kept on the front and exposed side of the refrigerator. If they knew me well enough, they would ask a very difficult question,

"Why do you put these things on your refrigerator?"

I never had a good answer except for saying that we just do it (which isn't a reason at all).

Needless to say, Chinese refrigerators are not covered with magnets, receipts, and coupons. But American refrigerators typically are a pseudo memo board and photo collage, right there in the kitchen.

Even though we don't know why the refrigerator is this organizational catch-all, we all know that it is. And I've got some ideas for making the kitchen focal point more tidy and functional. Don't worry. You can keep your magnets and photos. 

Part Photo Album, Part Memo Board

The Refrigerator
A Typical Family Refrigerator
A Typical Family Refrigerator

Every Mom Needs a Calendar to Stay Organized

These Magnetic Calendars Stick on the Refrigerator

A calendar is an essential tool for a busy mom. She has to keep track of school holidays, doctor's appointments, and sports practice. 

These three calendars are all magentic, specially designed to be use on a kitchen refrigerator to keep a family organized.

Mom's Ultimate Family Fridge

Deluxe 2012 Magnetic Mount

Wall Calendar

More Mom Time Magnetic Mount Wall Calendar, 2012

Forget the Notes -- Create a Chalkboard

Chalkboard Panel

Add these cute chalk board panels to the refrigerator for an easy memo board that won't fall off. Both designs are peel and stick. 

They go on in seconds and remove just as easily.

This first panel affixes easily to your refrigerator door for an easy chalkboard surface.

Store your chalk in a magnetic basket (shown below) so you can jot down quick shopping lists, appointment reminders, and words of encouragement for your family.

If you affix the panel low on the refrigerator, it becomes a creative place for toddlers to stay busy drawing while mom is cooking dinner.



Get The Paper Clutter Organized

Organize Papers With Magnetic Baskets

Keep those receipts, business cards, coupons, and to-do lists handy but organized with magnetic boxes.

The second one is deep enough for a pad of paper and a few stationery items. (Maybe you can keep the chalk for the peel and stick chalkboard panels in one.) These probably work best on the sides of a refrigerator or a door that is not frequently opened (such as the freezer).

What a difference it will make to have those random notes filed neatly in a magnetic box.


Organize Photos With Plastic Sleeves

Not only will they be tidy, but when photos are in these sleeves, they stay clean and protected.

They also are not going to fall in a shower to the floor if someone closes or opens the refrigerator door too hard. 

Updated: 02/24/2012, Jimmie
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petunia on 08/02/2011

love that photo box!

ForestBear on 08/02/2011

These are great ideas, I'll prefer a chalkboard to notes too. Thank you for sharing

ohcaroline on 07/30/2011

Yes, I too like the chalkboard idea. I would really enjoy doodling, drawing, and taking notes on it. Do they have green chalkboards to put on the fridge?

Allison Duncan on 07/30/2011

I like these ideas, but would love to see more about stuff for INSIDE the refrigerator!

Great post though.

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