Relieving Stress

by blackspanielgallery

Stress can build to a dangerous point. It is important to get stress under control before it gets to a dangerous level.

Stress can build to a point that it affects one’s physical health, so reducing stress is important. And, just about everyone has some degree of stress. So, how do we relieve stress? Well, there are myriad products that claim to relieve stress. They address our senses. Many of these stress relievers involve some sort of manipulation. I suppose that when we engage our thoughts, even with passive reparative actions, the brain has something else to do other than dwell on the source of the stress.

Of course we can have a sensory involvement other than through movement. It may be that the desired result can be obtained through one of our senses.

Physical Manipulation Devices for Stress reduction

Hand Spinners and Stress Balls

One of the oldest techniques from the east is the use of beads.  These have now yielded to more modern manipulation devices. 


The Hand Spinner is among the newest devices.  It consists of a colorful device with three legs.  Each leg has a hole in it so three fingers can be inserted.  In the center under the palm of the hand is a ball that is free to rotate in any direction.  The ball acts like a large ball bearing.  This allows the fingers to move the Hand Spinner in any direction, and to rotate it freely.  These spinners come in a wide variety of colors, so select a color that is relaxing to you.


For a simpler physical manipulation device consider a stress ball.  A stress ball fits easily in one hand, and can be repeatedly squeezed.  As with the Hand spinner, these come in a wide variety of colors, so again think of the colors that best soothe you when selecting one.  A stress ball should fit the hand, squeeze easily, and not be easily damaged.  A soft rubber works quite well, since rubber balls do not pop, and can be squeezed.


There is a plethora of other stress relief devices, many just as simple and inexpensive.


Stretching String

Colorful Stress Reliever

Another stress reliever is stretching string.  Use of a string involve both hands as the string is stretched.  Some can be stretched to many times their relaxed length.  And, they come in bright colors.

Lavender for Stress Relief

Essential Oil

Use lavender essential oil to involve the sense of smell.  Just a small amount of essential oil can produce quite a bit of aroma.  This can be used directly or passively.


Using lavender essential oils passively can be as simple as applying the oil to wool dryer balls.  The dryer balls tumble with the clothes in the dryer spreading the scent to the clothing.  In this way a subtle scent lingers in your presence.  And, dryer balls reduce the need for water softener, reduce static electricity on clothing, and help reduce drying time according to the maker’s  claims.


Relaxing Art

Surround yourself with relaxing visual art.  This can be great.  But, do not forget the sense of hearing.  Relaxing music can also be of benefit.


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Updated: 05/04/2017, blackspanielgallery
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blackspanielgallery on 05/06/2017

There are so many ways to use lavender. I was surprised when one of our faculty, a person with biology and medical training, told me about it.

Veronica on 05/06/2017

I always have lavender oil in the house as I get anxiety at times. A few drops in a warm bath is perfect for me. Or try three drops of lavender oil, tree drops of bergamot oil and 3 drops of peppermint oil in hot water and place it next to you in a bowl .

I thin our sense of smell is crucial in stress relief

Useful article thank you.

blackspanielgallery on 05/05/2017

The dryer balls are wool and can take a scent from essential oils easily. The only problem I have is they hide in clothes, and fall onto the floor and roll. I have 2 packs, and usually about 6, the amount in one pack, is actually in the dryer. The plastic ones are probably harder to scent, if it can even be done.

dustytoes on 05/05/2017

Going for a walk is my favorite way to help relieve stress. Those dryer balls look interesting.

blackspanielgallery on 05/05/2017

Thanks. A couple of our faculty members at the college put a stress releif talk for the faculty occasionally. I went a few years back and that is where the lavender scent came from. They also use small chocolate pieces. There are so many simple things one can do.

frankbeswick on 05/05/2017

A useful article. I find calming music a good stress relief. I also have CDs of natural sounds, such as ocean waves and bird song. These are very calming.

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