Richard Scarry Books

by MuminBusiness

Are you looking for Richard Scarry books? Here are a few of the especially great books.

Richard Scarry has written a great number of books for children. At last count, there was over three hundred books written and illustrated by this wonderful author.

Some of his books have gone on to be made into TV progams which children adore, like ‘The Busy World of Richard Scarry’ and the ‘BusyTown Mysteries’. Both of these programs are animated series featuring the characters created in the mind of this charming and talented man.

Unfortunately, Mr Scarry died of a heart attack in 1994 at the ripe old age of 74. However, the legacy he left behind lives on. Here are a few of his best books.

Richard Scarry Books - I am a bunny

As this age range is better served with board books, this is a great one to add to your collection.  A classic book that helps familiarise children with the four seasons. 

Though not written by him, it features his illustrations.  It is a book that children love from a very young age.  They love the pictures and then they go on to love the book which they then go on to buy for their own children or friends’ children.

A great baby shower gift or gift for any children you know.

I am a Bunny by Richard Scarry

I Am a Bunny (A Golden Sturdy Book)
$4.89  $3.49

Richard Scarry's Cars and Trucks from A to z

A teeny tiny book that is great fun for children of all ages.  It is about the size of a child’s hand and it is just the right size for a child to take it with them everywhere.  It features real trucks and make-believe trucks like the apple mobile – which is also the shape of the book.

Richard Scarry’s Cars and Trucks and Things that go.

Look for the gold-bug on every one of the 69 pages of this lovely book.  So much detail on each page, it keeps children occupied for ages as they look through page upon page of real and imagined vehicles.

My children loved it the moment an old and worn copy was spotted at their great-grandmom’s house.  The whole visit was spent sitting with Gran looking from page to page, seeking out the goldbug, looking for fun vehicles.  It was great.

What DO people do all day

Richard Scarry's What Do People Do All Day
$22.0  $2.3

Richard Scarry’s What do People do all day

A charming book that details a lot of the various jobs adults do each day.  This is definitely a classic and it can be used as a talking point with children.  Let them see the various occupations they could take up when they grow up.  Read the stories or make up new ones.  The illustrations are priceless and attractive.

Good Night Little Bear (Amazon)

Good Night, Little Bear (Little Golden Book)
$5.99  $2.99

Good Night Little Bear

This one has lovely illustrations and a loveable story.  It is a story featuring a daddy and his little one; perfect for fathers everywhere to read to their children especially at bedtime.  It is really sweet.

Richard Scarry’s Please and Thank You Book

This is a book of manners.  It is not just about the magic words – Please and Thank You .  TI teaches little ones to be thoughtful and caring but even older children will love to spend time looking at all the detail in the book.

The Bunny Book

A delightful book about babies wanting to be like their wonderful Daddy.  A lovely book for sharing.

This was written by Patricia and Richard Scarry.

The Bunny Book (Amazon)

The Bunny Book (Little Golden Book)
Only $5.0

Richard Scarry’s Best Mother Goose Ever

Bring Mother Goose Nursery Rhymes and poems to life.  The Mother Goose rhymes are wonderful for language development and the illustrations in this particular version are created for children.  Prepare to read it time and time again.

Richard Scarry has definitely left a legacy of great Children's literature.  There are books that will be read and read again due to the intricate details used by the author.

I hope you enjoy!

Other Books and Games to educate and amuse Children

Updated: 04/17/2012, MuminBusiness
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fia61 on 12/05/2016

Omgoodness ! I got a lot of these for my oldest daughter who now has her own children. I'm sure giving her children some for Christmas will bring her back fond memories.

cmoneyspinner on 10/30/2013

I support you on this. Richard Scarry are fantastic books for small children.

MuminBusiness on 04/18/2012

They really are cool. We have them too. The girls do love them and the TV programs as well. Thanks for reading!

sheilamarie on 04/17/2012

I Am a Bunny has been a favorite for generations in my family! My granddaughter now loves the book.
I remember when my son was little, he would choose all the Richard Scary books every time we went to the library. We read them over and over, and he would sit by himself with them for long stretches.

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