Roll out the tape and create a road for all your children's toy cars. Make roads go over boxes or straight across the floor. Sure, you know that your children will have fun. Children love to play with tape. I have often given my kids tape for Christmas or Birthdays, They love it. But did you know that road tape can also be educational?
Math: Just imag
ine that your have two kids and one roll of tape. How can you be sure that each child gets the same amount? Why, by measuring, of course! Be sure to remind your children how to measure. Can they find zero on the measuring tape?
Science: Discuss adhesives. Will the road tape stick to the floor? Will the road tape adhesive come off the floor once you are done? Should road tape be used on wall paper, the dining room table, the cat? Set up experiments in places that won't show to determine whether using road tape on that surface would be acceptable.
Social Studies: Lay out the road and begin to create a document for the rules of the road. Which side of the road should cars go on? Are you driving in England or in most of the rest of the world? How fast should the cars go? What happens when someone violates the rules. Create road signs and create rules for using those signs.
Language Arts: Write down these rules in a notebook that could be entitled Driver's Manuel. Refer to this manual when introducing new drivers to your road. This step is especially important when cousins come over to play.
Art: Create road signs to place along the road tape. Add more artistry by painting and constructing a whole town or city around your road tape road. Don't forget a road sign reminding drivers and passengers to do up their seat belts. If your road signs don't stand up well, use clay or play dough as a base to stick them in.

Road Tape Reviews
WOW this is amazing. I can imagine endless fun and learning with road tape. What an amazing find, thanks for bringing it to your readers attention. :)K
I used to teach adult learners reading skills. Road tape would have come in real handy when teaching about rules of the road.
I could see some little ones going crazy with that road tape - lol - roads everywhere all through the house! In fact, I might get some so I can do that myself. :)