Shersandroid Wizzography
by ShersAndroid
Shersandroid is one of my writing names on Wizzley. You can learn a little bit about me and why I'm writing on Wizzley.
Wizzography for Shersandroid
I’m an American expat, living in the Czech Republic. The Czech Republic is actually where I began writing online for the first time. My online journey began back in 2007, when I started my Czech Off the Beaten Path blog. Czech Off the Beaten Path began as kind of therapy, after I moved to theCzechRepublic, and was learning to adapt to life on this side of the pond. Once I began writing online and readers actually came to read my posts, it dawned on me that maybe it would be possible to try to make money online. From that time to now I have been in the process of learning how to make money online, while also doing a little bit of freelance work offline.
The Czech Republic is a Beautiful Country
![]() Slapy River Sher Vacik |
Where I Live
Feet in Two Places
I actually live in Prague, Czech Republic, but also spend a lot of time each year back home in the U.S.So I have my feet in places—Prague and New Mexico. My homes are both in beautiful tourist areas—one at a ski resort in New Mexico, and the other being here, in Prague. I never had any intentions of moving overseas—ever. My younger adult life was filled with being a wife, homemaker and stay-at-home mom to two young children in the middle of the Midwest. Why would I ever think about moving overseas? Well, Life has a way of throwing curve balls every so often. Divorce was the curve ball, and then I became a single mother to my two kids. Eventually I moved to a new place to be near my family, and then had to move again due to severe allergies and asthma.
New Hobby
During this curve ball-time of my life, my father decided I needed a hobby. This was back in 1997 when the Internet was still something a bit new. I had no computer experience, aside from using computer terminals, to input data, when I worked for a major insurance company. Back to the hobby my dad decided I needed. My father found a genealogy page, and decided it would be fun to see if we could track down any relatives in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. My maiden name is Czech/Slovak. My great-grandfather traveled from this part of the world, alone, to the U.S.when he was only 16 years old. Moving on with the story, my father signed up for an account on this genealogy site, and then used my email address as the point of contact. I was so mad. I was a new single mother and didn’t want strangers writing to me. Eventually, someone from over here contacted me—and years later he ended up as my husband--and no, we're not related. As of this writing, my husband and I have now been emailing for fourteen years. Well, you can read the rest on Squidoo, and now, as they say, “All the rest is history!”
What Brought Me to the Czech Republic
Beginnings of my Life in the Czech Republic
You can find out how I became an expat at mid-life, married to a Czech!
My Other Home
![]() Mt. Wheeler--highest peak in New Mexico Sher Vacik |
What I Do
My Freelance Work
Editor/proofreader, writer, blogger, Zazzler, Amazon Affiliate
Over the years, I’ve worked as an administrative assistant, bookkeeper, and at one time (in my younger years) was a waitress at a pizza restaurant. Once my allergies and asthma became severe in later life, however, I had to stop working outside of the home. Then began my proofreading and editing career; most of my experience is with technical proofreading, specializing in scientific papers in the areas of Materials Science and Biochemistry.
Writing is another way I earn money working at home. My writing is scattered about, but is mostly on BellaOnline’s asthma site, HubPages, Squidoo, Bukisa and my own blogs and websites. An online friend, Sam, introduced me to Wizzley, and I signed up for an account, but haven’t even used it yet. I have started writing here as Shersandroid, but do have another pen name, too. Wizzley looks to be a friendly and fun site to write for. I’m just starting out here, on Wizzley, but am already planning new articles (which are now in process) and looking forward to meeting more of the authors here.
My favorite topics to write about are asthma and allergies, gizmos and gadgets (I’m a bit geeky), pets, travel and other topics that get me interested. I enjoy writing on new topics, as it’s fun doing the research and learning more about the world and life.
Amazon Affiliate
Amazon has a great affiliate program that you can use here, on Wizzley. I also use Amazon’s affiliate program on blogs and on sites like HubPages and Squidoo. I also have an Astore, though those don’t seem to be as popular. Still, it’s another way to try to earn a little more to add to the till.
My Favorite Android Gizmo
![]() | Samsung I9000 8 GB Galaxy S Unlocked GSM Smartphone with 5 MP Camera, Android OS, Touchscreen, ... The Samsung i9000 Galaxy S is packed with so much stuff, you'll always find something new to play with. Smart Alarm: GALAXY S knows how refreshing a natural wake up is ... |
Thanks for Stopping By!
That’s about it. Now you know more about me and how I came to Wizzley. Wizzley promises to be a great place to write, while at the same time adding another income stream to my freelancing basket. I’ll try to keep this wizzography updated and let you know how it goes writing for Wizzley.
More Android Articles on Wizzley
By Shersandroid
How to Download and Install Android Apps from the Android Market
This article offers step-by-step instructions and images to walk you through downloading a new app from the Android Market to your Android device.
Android Cloud Computing and Cloud Storage
Need more storage on your Android device? Take a look at cloud storage. This article will explain cloud storage, and offer a list of some of the best cloud storage apps available on the Android Market.
Essential Droid Productivity Apps
Here's a list of my favorite productivity and business apps on the Android Market. You'll find a description about each app and what it does. These are great for business and/or personal use.
Android and Android Apps
Here you'll exactly what Android is, what apps are, and how Android apps can make your life easier and more organized.
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Do you write online, and on Wizzley?
@Peggy: Thanks for visiting and leaving a comment! :)
Very interesting, Sherry!
@Jimmie: Thank you for the welcome! :) Writing online is fun--it sounds like it keeps you very busy! I'm like you...I love writing online, too!
Welcome to Wizzley. I do write online at 2 blogs and various platforms. Love it.
@Chefkeem: actually, many of my friends are Czech :) I have a foot in both worlds here--expat and local. It keeps me more balanced here, especially having a Czech husband. He's never lived in the US, but has visited.
I've been more exposed to Czech and German dishes, and do enjoy cooking them!
Ha! What was I thinking? All of you expats probably meet on a regular basis for coffee and kolaches. :)
@Chefkeem: Thank you! I'm looking forward to writing more here! And I will certainly say hi to my fellow author, "Sam" :) Sam's the one who introduced me to Wizzley! :)
@Angel: Thank you and nice to meet you, too! :)
Great to have you with us, Sher. Welcome! :)
P. S.: Say hi to your fellow Wizzley author "Sam".
Welcome to Wizzley! Very nice to meet you.