Simple Cat Costume Ideas
Many people enjoy putting their cats in costumes. If you need cat costume ideas, here are a few things you may want to try.
More and more people are putting their cats in costumes these days. The trend was started with dogs and putting them in funny hats and outfits, but cat owners wanted to get in on the action. A new trend was started! But, cats tend to be harder to deal with as they have different personalities than dogs. A dog tends to be much more willing to please his master where as a cat could care less what the human wants. For this reason, putting cats in costumes can be harder, but it can still be done.
Keep it Simple
Keep to simple cat costume ideas. Things such as cute t-shirts designed for babies can work out well with the writing going on their back. You likely want to avoid items such as onesies that are designed to cover up the diaper as you will be covering your cat completely and causing issues when they need to use the litter box.
You can try to put a hat on your cat but it may not go so well. Cats tend to groom their heads and therefore any hat you stick on them will get pushed off. You could try something with a chin strap but this may not stick around very long.
Another cute idea when it comes to cats in costumes is to purchase a bow tie or similar type item to put on them. Chances are they are already used to wearing a collar so a neck decoration probably will not be too much of a stretch. If you opt for this, make sure it fits well and does not drag down as they may trip or get caught up on it which could cause them to hurt themselves.
Cat costume ideas such as wings can work well for your cat as these go up on their back which can be difficult for them to get on. Chances are you will end up having to wrap it around their belly for the wings to stand up properly on their back but you have a fair chance of the cat tolerating this costume.
Please remember that when it comes to cats in costumes, cats are not the most patient of creatures and you may end up with some new scratches or a trip to the emergency room. If you do not think your cat will tolerate any of these cat costume ideas, then it may be best not to try any of them.
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