Snake Proof Boots: Do They Work?

by MasterDayton

Many people have heard of snake proof boots, but do they work? Read on to learn about this specialty footwear and what it can offer you.

Who Needs Snake Bite Proof Boots?

Better to have and not need than to need and not have!

Snake proof boots enjoy a very strong following among select groups of avid outdoorsmen.  Hunters seem to be especially fond of this footwear, especially in areas like the swamps or bayous of the south or the isolated timbers of the Rocky Mountains.  Basically any place where hunters are visiting a venomous snake's natural habitat.  One of the major benefits of this type of footwear is that many of these designs are made specifically as hunting boots.  This means a good pair of snake boots often serves as an excellent pair of hunting boots as well.  Many companies in this market produce both - and many started with ordinary hunting boots and moved on from there.

Why snake boot design is so important

One of the most important design features of your normal pair of snake proof hunting boots is that they go up to the knees.  This is critical since far more venomous snake bites take place on the leg from the mid shin up to the knee, and not on the foot itself.  This makes sense when you think about how snake bites take place, and how a snake has to bite up at a person.   Often times a hunter is bit because they step on or near a venomous snake they don't see, and the snake strikes out of self defense.  In thick woods or swamp you don't always see what's around your feet.  The superior design gives a major sense of security, not to mention the actual physical protection that comes with these boots.

Most Popular Snake Boot Brands

Chippewa, Lacrosse, Danner - just a few of the best!

Who are the big boys in the snake boot business?

This question can be hard to answer because it is an ever changing industry and there have been several companies the past decade that showed up, made a splash, and then disappeared never to be seen again.  More accurately, often times an established boot company would put out a new line of snake boots but then eventually just phase out.  Some past names along this line include Proline, Irish Setter, and even RedHead.

However, after looking at some solid companies who have stayed in the business of making snake boots over the last decade, it is safe to say that there are a few companies and brands that really stick out as being in for the long haul.  Add in plenty of good reviews and some strong popularity among groups of hunters and it's a good bet that these are here to stay:

  1. Chippewa Snake Boots - These have emerged as the top name in the industry, outlasting Lacrosse and Browning.
  2. Lacrosse Snake Boots - Used to be toe to toe with Chippewa and still a solid provider, but lost ground to many new companies in more recent years.
  3. Browning Snake Boots - Once the 3rd largest, but they're now kind of "one of the pack."  Not a knock on the product - Just shows how strong some of the newbies are.
  4. Rocky Snake Boots - Very popular with some groups, very unpopular with others.  This one truly divides opinions.
  5. Danner Snake Boots - They never release too many models, but always high quality
  6. Justin Snake Boots - See Danner for accurate description.  ie Ditto.

How to Pick the Best Snake Protection for You

There is no one size fits all snake proof boot

Choosing the best snake proof boots can be difficult, and there are other types of clothing such as snake gaiters can be challenging.  There are many different designs out there, and one pair of snake boots can be radically different from another.  Some focus on the outside design and camouflage while others focus on being water proof.  There are many different designs whether focusing on warmth, water proof, or conventional hunting designs.  What is right for a southern turkey hunter hitting the swamps might not be the best snake boot choice for someone in the mountains and timbers.  

There are several things to think about when selecting a pair of snake boots.  Price can be a major issue as a good pair of snake proof boots can range from anywhere between $90 and well over $300.  The other is your specific need.  Is warmth in winter weather more important, or keeping your feet dry while gallivanting through the swamps? Answering these questions goes a long way towards getting you to the right pair of boots for your specific needs.

More Snake Protection from Amazon

Rattler Scaletech Snake Protection Chaps (Green, Husky/Long)

The Scale Tech patented technology of these chaps overlaps the layers for complete protection from snakebites! The 1000 Denier basket-weave nylon fabric features a proprietary ...

Only $37.29
Rocky Brown Aztec Snakeproof WP - 2875-115M

16 inches of snakeproof construction. 5 layer Aztec outsole is designed to absorb impact and create traction on loose ground. Guaranteed Rocky wateproof construction. ...

Rattler Scaletech Snake Protection Gaiters (Green)

SNAKE PROTECTION: Rattlers ScaleTech Gaiters. SAVE BIG! Safety for the hunt! Introducing patent-pending ScaleTech technology that provides maximum snake protection from knee ...

$31.0  $17.05

Find Cheap Snake Proof Boots on eBay!

Are These Snake Boots Worth the Extra Price?

This is the question, isn't it?

There's a lot of discussion over whether or not a good pair of snake proof boots is worth the cost.  There are two main points to this argument, and they can be summed up pretty succinctly from the various forums and discussions you hear on the topic. The first is a simple: why spend all that money on snake boots when your regular hunting boots are probably good enough to stop a venomous snake bite anyway.

The other side of the argument is pretty simple: you need hunting boots anyway so why not make sure they're snake proof?  When it comes to a giant rattler or copperhead taking a strike at your lower leg, "should be good enough" just isn't good enough.  Spend the extra few bucks to be sure!

Snake Boots For Women

Less options, but still some incredible quality choices

Generally speaking, most snake boots are designed for men. While frustrating for the outdoor woman who wants the same protection as afforded to the other sex, there are at least a few good options for hunters, ranchers, and any good woman who simply loves the outdoors but needs that extra assurance of safety from surprised or aggressive rattlesnakes.

Look at Chippewa

Chippewa snake company offers many of the best snake boot options out there, and that's regardless of whether you are looking for Chippewa boots for men or women. They are the standard by which other companies attempt to match up to. They are also one of two major producers of this type of snake proof clothing that make boots specifically for women.

The women's snake boots by Chippewa are considered the best in the market for a reason, and these should be the first ones you look for. They are the standard of quality for snake bite resistant boots made specifically for the ladies.

Justin Also Has Options

Justin snake boots  also has some options that are aimed specifically at their female customers, and they are definitely worth looking at to get an idea of what the full array of options really are. These boots tend to be a little bit more on the cowboy design as opposed to hunting/ranching, but they do offer some options of note.

Go 2 Sizes Smaller

While it's not the same as having boots that are specifically designed for the normal sizing that women enjoy, there is another option. Many of these types of protective boots are a touch on the small side, and by simply going 2 sizes smaller from a man's size, a woman may find the right fit for her feet. While this might not necessarily be the ideal way to go, it does provide another option.

Various Snake Boot Resources

Articles, Pages, Reviews, and More!

Snake Boot Review Site

Website dedicated specifically to reviews of the many different brands and types of snake proof hunting boots out there.

Old Snake Boot Guide
Good informational page from a few years back looking at the big names in snake boots.

Article on RedHead Snake Boots
Article on one of the most popular brands of hunting boots out there.

Snake Boot Blog
An entire blog devoted to snake proof boots and nothing else!

Best Snake Proof Boots Article

The single best blog post I've seen anywhere online about this type of anti snake bite clothing. If you want to really know more about the topic, then this is the article you want to find.

Crazy Snake Boot Test

Do they look like they work to you?
Updated: 01/14/2017, MasterDayton
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KayEhm on 08/28/2015

Snake proof boots are essential if you're going to be hunting or doing any outdoor activities in these kinds of terrains. I agree with this article on its assessment on the brands, I've bought a couple different pairs from and so far so good.

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