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The queen of Sheba came from an area configured within what categorizes as Yemen land nowadays.
Yemen is a hop, a jump and a skip -- ;-D -- in the Sinai peninsula up from the island Socotra.
So that biogeography makes me mull whether the afore-mentioned queen mixed some Socotra marvels within everything that she moved into Israelite King Solomon's throne room.
Mightn't one such marvel be Socotran fig trees and their figs?
The computer crashed again before I could convey another component of fig drinkability and potability.
Fig species do well with their fruits jam-ified and jelly-ified.
So isn't it interesting to imagine a fig-species garden from which fig fruits invite ingesting comparatively to invoke which is most inclusive of appearance, fragrance, taste and texture?
The computer crashed before I could communicate another component of fig drinkability and potability.
Its fruit perhaps draws most those who delight in fig species.
Some species additionally lodge such luscious parts as leaves that link to boiled, grilled, steamed spinach substitutes; cocktail or tea syrups; and cooked-fish, meat, rice wraps.
Mightn't fig fruits and seeds mix munchingly with fig-leaf salads?
Province- or state-, national-, international-model gardens appeal to me.
The island Socotra emerges eminently among the afore-elaborated projects because of ancient, unusual wildlife.
The Socotran fig tree (Dorstenia gigas) interests me because of its edible fruit.
Mightn't a sub-garden within a world garden quite movingly muster all the Dorstenia-genus species to match how their figs measure against one another as to most attractive, fragrant, tasty munchable?
jptanabe, Yes, strangeness is definitely a characteristic of plant life on the remote archipelago of Socotra. The fig tree is pretty amazing in what it can tolerate. For example, Socotra's better known "cousin" has been known to grow in micro climates in places where it wouldn't ordinarily grow. So perhaps you have a micro climate? If not, it just may work if you have the equipment of a conservatory, greenhouse or sunroom.
Thank you for visiting and commenting.
Goodness, that's one strange looking tree! I wish I could have one, but I'm sure it wouldn't like it where I live.