“I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something. And because I cannot do everything I will not refuse to do the something that I can do.”
–Helen Keller
As a mum, I know I feel so overwhelmed at times by all the things I want to get going with. In the past, i have allowed this to casue me to procrastinate and hope that everything will get done without me. Needless to say, this never happens and if anything the next time I open my eyes, I am even more overwhelmed!
Now, instead of closing my eyes and refusing to see what needs to be done, I spend a little time making a list each day and prioritising. Just doing ONE thing even, makes a big difference to my mood and to the list of things to be done. It is just like doing a marathon, if we think of it all at once, we are overwhelmed but just keep putting one foot in front of the other and finally the finish line comes into view.
I am massively inspired by Helen Keller. She was severely challenged with deafness and blindness. Yet, despite this she knew the truth that we are mostly limited by our take on life, our attitude to the things we have to do.
So come on, think about it! Instead of avoiding the things you must do, just take one little thing, put on a timer for 15 mins or so, depending on what it is and just get to it. One little thing can in the long term make a world of difference.
This leads me to another quote I quite like.