Steps to a Great Complexion

by Gardenbella

Until you find out what is causing your acne you will never be able to reduce the acne breakouts or be able to get rid of it for good either.

I used to suffer from acne a lot even when I was no longer a teenager! It was annoying and makeup for the most part didn't cover it up. I was always looking for a solution and I tried dozens of different products in the hope of finding one that would work. It took me a long time to find the answer.

Just like most women, my acne was hormonal. In fact I could guarantee that I would have break outs at that certain time of the month. I knew there had to be a solution so I went looking for one.

I realized that maybe what I was putting on or not putting on my face wasn't the answer. Perhaps it was an internal problem. This turned out to be the solution for me.

First off I tried to change the foods that I ate and I started drinking a lot more water. One thing I did was cut out wheat. I also tried to keep my skin as clean as possible so dirt and bacteria didn't aggravate the problem. I also started giving myself a facial once a week. At first I didn't see much in the way of results but I kept up the program and after about a month my skin actually improved.

With respect to the kinds of foods I was eating, I gave up processed foods of any kind. Only natural whole foods such as fruits and vegetables. I cooked everything myself which was a little annoying at first but I found that if I did a bunch of meals on the weekend and froze them, I didn't have to do much during the week.

So in the end what I discovered was that the problem wasn't the products I had been using, it was what was going on within my own body. So, until you find out what is causing your acne you will never be able to reduce the acne breakouts or be able to get rid of it for good either.

How to Use a Mud Mask

If you want to do something great for your skin, why not try a mud mask! There are two types of mud masks: one that exfoliates the skin and one that will absorb oils and might even tighten the skin a little.

A mud mask used for exfoliating will have some tiny grains of pumice, sea salt, crushed almond shells or other agents.

You apply the mask your damp face and then gently massage the mask into the skin. This will get rid of any dead skin cells and help make your skin healthy looking.

After the mud mask has dried simply remove it by gently rinsing your face using a cotton wash cloth. All you need to do after the mask is apply a good.

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Our signature and classic Fango Active is a one-and-only, must-have, mineral-rich mud. It's a sensational step beyond everyday clean. Derived from traditional Tuscan treatments,...

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Can the Food You Eat Affect Acne?

First of all food don't actually cause acne but they can affect blood sugar, cause chronic inflammation in the body as well as oxidative stress. There are a number of foods that can aggravate these conditions and as a result can cause acne to occur. It is important to note that other conditions as well can affect acne: lack of proper sleep, polluted air and too much stress.

Can Eating Too Much Fat Cause Acne?

The answer is yes, however the reason is that it can be a problem for your blood sugar. As a result of eating fat your blood sugar levels can rise too high or even too low. This backwards and forwards in your blood sugar levels causes a cascading hormonal imbalance which causes an increase in sebum production which can block skin pores.

As well having too much fat in the bloodstream means that important nutrients and oxygen don't get transported to your cells properly. This will result in your skin not getting the "food" it needs and which can cause acne. In a lot of ways acne is your body trying to cleanse itself.

The foods to limit or stay away from in this category include all dairy products (milk, cream, ice cream, cheese, butter, etc) as well as deep fried foods (french fries, potato chips).

Another Food to Limit or Avoid: Refined Carbohydrates!

We live in a world of fast food but eating these types of foods not only puts a strain on our digestive system but also on the quality of our skin. Eating too many refined grains and sugar can only cause our bodies to get over burdened which can result in inflammation. This inflammation shows up as acne in many cases.

It is best to stay away from too much food that is processed. Eat whole foods such as raw fruits and vegetables, whole grains and even sprouted grains if you want to eat wheat products. These foods have more fiber which helps to slow down digestion and not tax the digestive system as a whole. If you have a wheat allergy, which could be what is causing your acne, then all wheat products should be eliminated. There are other products that use rice, kamut and rye to make everything from pasta to pastries. As well you can get a number of gluten-free products available in most stores.

It is important to remember that refined foods for the most part contain almost no nutrients. The vital nutrients such as vitamins, enzymes and minerals have been stripped from the food.

What's in Your Coffee?

Unfortunately caffeine just might be another substance that causes acne. Caffeine can be found in coffee, tea (both black and green), chocolate, soft drinks and even some pain medications.

Caffeine triggers the adrenalin glands to release stress hormones, which is another cause of acne. If you are sensitive to caffeine, your sleep patterns can be interrupted, which again is another cause of acne. We need a good night's sleep so that our bodies can repair and detox.

So, if you want beautiful skin, there are some things you can do on a daily bases to help improve it by being careful what you eat, relieving stress and getting a good night's sleep!

Lose the Wheat, Lose the Acne

According to Dr. William Davis in his book, Wheat Belly: Lose the Wheat, Lose the Weight, and Find Your Path Back to Health, 

acne can result from eating wheat. People who have eliminated wheat have found that in as little time as week that their skin improves.

According to Dr. Davis, the gastrointestinal tract when not working properly can cause acne to occur. What happens in the GI tract can often be mirrored on the skin. When you eat wheat the delicate bowel lining can be destroyed. As well people suffer from acid reflux and a disruption of the natural flora in the bowel. All this can contribute to your body not being able to eliminate toxins and the result is skin problems!

Not just acne is caused by eating wheat but also other skin conditions such as dermatitis, seborrhea, psoriasis, dandruff as well as dry skin.

The problem is that wheat is not just in the food we eat, but it is also in cosmetics. If you are gluten intolerant or a celiac or you just want to eliminate wheat, there are a number of cosmetic companies offering gluten free products.

Can You Get Rid of Acne Naturally?

There is no need to buy expensive products when you can find some simple solutions in your kitchen. Using some essential oils such as chamomile essential oil, tea tree essential oil and a few other ingredients you can take good care of the skin on your face and keep acne at bay.

First, steam your face to open the pores to make the therapy more effective. You can add some lemon juice or sliced lemons to make the experience more enjoyable. Try to steam your face for about five minutes. The best way to steam is to fill the sink with hot water and then using a towel as a tent, hold your face over the sink for a period of time.

After steaming, mix together some table sugar with water and add a couple of drops of tea tree oil and a couple of drops of chamomile oil. Using your hands massage the mixture into your face. Leave on just like you would with a mask for anywhere from five to fifteen minutes.

Then clean your skin using a face cloth and warm water. Don't rub but gently wipe your face with the cloth, dipping it in the water to remove the material from your face.

You can use a light toner followed by a good moisturizer for a healthy complexion.

Best Selling Acne Skin Care Products

If you are looking to get your skin in better shape, then you owe it to yourself to try the Olay cleaning system. Leading dermatologists and Olay partnered to establish the Olay Professional Alliance. Through this partnership Pro-X was created to bring you prescribed regimens to treat specific skin care concerns.

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Take your facial cleansing routine to a whole new level a professional level. Olay Pro-X Advanced Cleansing System works 6x better than basic cleansing. Designed by a team of Ol...

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Olay Pro-X Microdermabrasion Plus Advanced Cleansing System, 1-Kit

Exfoliation is a critical step for revealing more youthful, brighter skin. The Olay Pro-X Microdermabrasion System gives you these vivid results by removing the layers that life...

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Updated: 08/20/2014, Gardenbella
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