Stomach Problems in Pregnancy! Who would have thought it?

by MuminBusiness

You are pregnant and your stomach does not feel right. Here are some tips to help.

You know the feeling if you are or have ever been pregnant, things just do not feel right around your stomach. You have taken that Clear Blue Pregnancy test and it is positive! You are excited, you love being pregnant and you love the baby growing inside of you but sometimes, you feel pretty uncomfortable and your stomach does not feel quite great.

Eating is no longer the joy it used to be, you have to think about it more and think about whether you will feel uncomfortable after eating or not.

It can be pretty annoying…

Of course, you may also be one of those privileged people who do not know what I am talking about. Whichever way, congratulations! You are pregnant or about to be!

Let’s talk about some of the common gastric problems women experience in pregnancy.

Nausea and Vomiting

Otherwise Known as Morning Sickness

Most women suffer from nausea and vomiting during the first trimester up until about week 17.  Most information sources cite week 12  but the first trimester does not really end until week 17 which is when you may feel any early symptoms you are experiencing beginning to give way.  I personally found that I started to feel better during week 17 during each of my three pregnancies.

Some unfortunate ladies will suffer from this ‘morning’ sickness for the whole nine months which is truly unfortunate.

It can be such a horrid feeling which, in some cases, is not even improved when you vomit.  How irksome!

Here are a few ideas for combating morning (or all the time) sickness.

  • Acupressure Sickness Bands – These work by applying continuous acupressure to the P-6 acupressure point in the wrist.  The band usually has a bead on the band which when applied correctly should relieve nausea.

    I personally did not get much relief from these but I lost nothing by trying them as a friend who then went on to use my band swore by it.  
  • Eat little meals often – I always felt worse on an empty stomach so just pecking at preferably healthy snacks may well help you feel better.
  • Rest, if possible – Every time anyone said this to me, particularly in my second or third pregnancy, I just laughed while feeling annoyed.  How am I to rest when I have to carry on with life?  So I understand if you feel this way but just think of where you can fit in breaks throughout the day.  
  • Drink a lot of fluids
  • Ginger – This is a great help when feeling nauseous.  It is available in biscuits, as a spice, fresh ginger root or if you cannot bear to eat it, then have a ginger tablet or capsule.
  • Fruit drops – preferably of a sour nature.  I found these helped me feel considerably better.  It was suggested by another mother and it worked a treat for me.

I hope at least one of these tips work for you.  I must admit by the end of my first pregnancy, I was completely off Ginger Biscuits as they had been beside me every single day of my pregnancy.  To this day, I cannot look at them without feeling sick so I had to move on to ingesting Ginger in other ways.

How to live a Healthy Pregnancy

Mayo Clinic Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy
$4.82  $4.98
Updated: 03/14/2012, MuminBusiness
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Rose on 03/04/2014

Dry crackers also help.

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