Teenage Job Search

by pkmcr

The job market is becoming more competitive and with it teenage job search is getting ever more challenging. Knowing how to go about your job search will give you an advantage

The process of finding a job can be challenging for everyone. However when it comes to Teenage Job Search, many teenagers will feel that finding a job is an incredibly daunting task.

There are so many qualified people trying to find jobs these and that can make teenagers feel that teenage job seekers at a big disadvantage.

So teenagers need to make themselves stand out from the all the others. Let's take a look at some ideas which will help those doing teenage job search better positioned to get in front of potential employers.

Job Search For Teenagers

The Challenges of The Teenage Job Search

So what is going to set you apart from others when it comes to your Teenage Job Search?  In many ways it's the same things that will make any other job seeker stand out.

First off you need to do your homework. This homework is one where your "grade" is going to be based on whether you get a job! Doing your Job Search homework is about finding out everything you can about your prospective employer's business. Whatever type of job you are applying for the recruiting manager is going to be impressed if you have obviously done your homework about their company.

You need to start some Career or Job Networking to see who might be able to help you find a job.  So sit down with pen and paper, or at the computer, and write down everyone you know who is currently working and how they might be able to help or support you in finding a job. Ask your parents, friends and family for any help or advice that they can offer in finding a place that’s hiring. The ability to network is one that you will come back to time and time again as your career develops.

You might love the way you look but is it the right look for the job you are going after?  Don't think that this means you have to conform to a "sterotype" but do remember that employers have an image for their business just like you have your image. 

So make sure that when you go to the company you look neat, clean and well groomed.  The truth is, and I write from experience, if you are neat, clean and tidy you are going to stand out from the rest! It's the people who have thought about what they look like when they are being interviewed who are those who are remembered.

Even if this is going to be your very first job you need a resume to hand in. You might think that you have no experience to report, however you can record accomplishments that show you’re a hard worker.

Include things like your good grade point average, any volunteer positions that you may have had at school or in the community.  Get references from teachers or others who know you well and list those on your resume. Even in these days of computer spell checkers it is still very worthwhile to ask someone to look over your resume for typos and grammatical errors before you start handing out copies.

We have talked about your appearance already which will help you to make a good impression.  However, you also want to make the best impression you can during the interview process. So make sure that you answer questions clearly, so no mumbling and also show genuine enthusiasm for the job you are applying for. It might not be the job you want to do for the rest of your life but if you don't show any enthusiasm what is the potential employer going to think?

We have all been there!  Having to go through the process of trying to find our first jobs as a teenager. It certainly can be a painful and emotional process especially if you have been a star student at school or college. Being rejected by an employer isn’t fun and can feel disheartening at the time, however anyone doing teenage job search is going to find that it may well happen a few times before you land a job.

Don't get down about it and try to keep your spirits up and keep on applying for those jobs. Keep an eye out for any possible job opportunities; keep reading the local newspapers, job bulletin boards and job websites.  Just because that person you spoke to a few weeks ago didn't have any leads for you doesn't mean that they won't today or tomorrow.

Your teenage job search is going to be challenging and people you know can all be sources of information that could lead you to that very first job.

Teen Dream Jobs

How To Find The Job You Really Want!
Teen Dream Jobs: How to Find the Job ...
Beyond Words Pub Co
$7.28  $5.0

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Job Search For Teenagers - Helpful Guides

Teen Dream Jobs: How to Find the Job ...
Beyond Words Pub Co
$7.28  $13.37
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Updated: 06/22/2014, pkmcr
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dustytoes on 06/01/2011

I'm so glad I am not a young person trying to find a job today. You've listed some very good advice and having a good first resume is all the more reason to do well in high school!

Dianne on 05/31/2011

Unemployment is very high in this age group so your pointers here are very timely.

Stazjia on 05/31/2011

I chose the 'neat and tidy' option in the poll but I think that the first three are all important. Career networking is often something that comes from the parents' network of friends and family, although it's certainly a good idea for teenagers to have done a part-time or vacation job as a start of their own network.
Good advice for teenagers.

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