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Mira, Me, too, I love the entrance into the canon by past artists who may not have been appreciated in their time. I also agree that there probably are many lost masterpieces, or masterpieces which are unknown to the public because they have been housed in private collections.
He was certainly one of a kind in his day, and inspired so many modern painters. I love it when some of the "distinctive," as you say, artists of the past enter the canon. I have a feeling there may have been many who diverged from the norm(s) of their day and place but who nevertheless created small masterpieces. Some of them are rediscovered, but I think many, way too many, are forgotten, or are present only in the pages of art journals for the academia.
Mira, It's fun to learn new tidbits, especially about rather familiar figures such as El Greco. His paintings are so distinctively styled. His legacy is great.
It was lovely to read about El Greco! I've learned quite a few things :)