Like many other alleged hauntings in New England, the ghostly tales of Gilson Road Cemetery begin with the Native American legends and then blend in tragic tales of this country's earliest settlers. Like many ancient New England cemeteries, there is a Lady in White who appears mysteriously. A dark biker, known as the Watcher, rides by on a regular basis. His appearance is often a precursor to whispers and the paranormal light activity for which this cemetery is famous for among paranormal investigators.
Gilson Road Cemetery is located in Nashua, New Hamphire. It is on a busy street and the police do take note of people who are there, especially after dark.
Many people will say that there must be a rational explanation for phenomena like this, but often they confuse rationality with scientific materialism that seeks to explain all phenomena conventionally. This is an error. Rationality is a process of thinking, and it can operate with a variety of presuppositions, assumptions and information. The idea that there is only one rationality is therefore erroneous. We can therefore reason about the paranormal, and the rules for this are the same as the rules for all reasoning. Don't draw unwarranted conclusions.
Here's a thought. Scientific materialism as expounded at the enlightenment decided that matter was the only reality. This is not a fact, but a theory. How many supposedly rational people uncritically accept this presupposition? Quite a lot, I suspect.
Some things like paranormal and haunted are not capable of reasoning, it sure sounds creepy and the myths make them more gruesome.
I like walking through old cemeteries. I've seen many infant gravestones.