The Home Gym

by MuminBusiness

Building my home gym has been a long ongoing process but the quest for fitness must be sated...

Being a busy lady, finding time to exercise and remain fit is a luxury relegated to some distant point in the past.

There was a time I would visit the gym with gusto each morning before I drove off to work. I even had a personal trainer who put me through my paces and made sure I stayed fit and healthy and full of energy. Those were the days of silent peaceful car journeys and times when I could wake up, dress up and leave the house.

Those days are long gone. Leaving the house now is a convoluted process of organizing myself and three others into the car. I have no time to leave home to go to the gym to find fitness.

The gym must come to me in my home...

Home Gym Membership

I know the importance of being fit.

I know the importance of maintaining the right weight.

I have seen what not following these two rules can do to other people as they battle various diseases that are brought on by being obese or overweight.

However, when I am tired, I forget all this knowledge and grab the nearest bag of chips and a fistful of chocolate and sit down like most of the population, in front of the television.

During one of these lazy times, I started to figure out how to fit fitness back into my post-children life.  As I seemed to spend a great deal of time in front of the television, a few home gym options became glaringly clear.

An exercise class way back when...

Exercise Class

My First Home Gym Equipment

This was the first thing I bought.  I admit I succumbed to one of those shopping channels that g on for about 30 minutes telling you all about the virtues of the twister stepper (I am sure it was called something else in those days!)

I was sold!

I could see myself standing in front of the television stepping away as I watched my favorite television program and that is precisely what happened. I used this stepper all through my various pregnancies.  

I loved the fact that it was not just a simple step machine, No, It stepped to the side, and you had the armbands which introduced muscle tension and resistance.  

I could feel the calories burning off me as I stepped away for about an hour of Desperate Housewives or Grey's Anatomy.

In the UK? Get the Body Sculpture BS1370 Twist Stepper with Bungee Cords.

A new addition to the Home Gym

At this point, I started to feel more confident in my ability to exercise at home so I decided to add a bench to my collection.  Again, another one of those shopping channels' must-have items! (Yes, I can be an easy sell!)

I may have gotten a little cocky as I really was not able to do sit-ups on this for a long while. It put me off my new exercise regime for a little while. It is now sitting peacefully in my room used solely by my husband to perfect his six pack (I wish!).


Redefining my Home Gym

So one step forward, a few back...

I refocused my energies back to the twister stepper and thought of a new plan to add variety to my exercise life.

And then (not completely sure how this came about), Billy Blanks came into my world.

Tae Bo was the best thing since sliced bread.

I was waking up about an hour earlier each morning, getting out my set of Billy Blank DVDs, picking the area I wanted to work on for the day (Usually one of belly, bum or thighs), placing it in my DVD player and singing along with the intro song (♪Are you ready,♪ lets get started...) and then off we went.

It was hard and it was sweaty but it worked pretty well.  

I started to see muscles appear where once there was only flab!  The Home Gym was back at full throttle.

In the UK - Billy Blanks' Tae Bo: The Ultimate Collection [DVD]


Billy Blanks' Cardio Inferno [DVD]

Billy Blanks Box Set

Only $119.99

A new Billy Blanks DVD - TaeBo

Billy's Bootcamp: Cardio Inferno
$9.22  $5.0

My Home Gym is a bit thin on the ground.

So far, being a member of my home gym gives me access to my stepper, a few hand weights and a whole lot of DVDs.

Needless to say, it is not yet comparable to the high powered gyms that I remember so I still drive past my old gym with a sense of longing for those pre-children days of uninterrupted gym time.

My solution is to look for further equipment to fill the home.

So keep an eye out as I do my research on home fitness equipment.

More information on getting fit at home

Updated: 04/16/2012, MuminBusiness
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MuminBusiness on 04/16/2012

That is a great idea. In theory you could walk away to your favorite programs or you could recite your articles while walking/running up a sweat. Sitting down all the time is definitely no good especially when article writing!

BrendaReeves on 04/10/2012

I'm getting a treadmill in the near future. This sitting on my butt all day is just not good for me. Thanks for the article.

MuminBusiness on 04/02/2012

I completely agree ( said from my couch in front of the laptop screen where I have been sitting most of the evening!). Finding a way to exercise around my kids was of paramount importance to me. I need to be around for them as long as I can be and also I need to be able to keep up with them for as long as possible too!

Thanks for commenting!

Mladen on 04/02/2012

We spend too much time sitting behind computers, and we have forgotten to do some basic excercise. I support your idea of having home gym. It is good thing, and it is actually investing into your future, by improving your CV system, getting more energy, more strength, and it is good for one's nerves too.

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