The natural hair movement is the encouragement black women to embrace their natural curls and kinks without the aid of straighteners, relaxers, or harmful chemicals that have been embraced for generations. Many people have the misconception that natural hair = hard work. It has been four years since my "big chop" and I am here to tell you that natural hair is as high maintenance as you want to make it. I personally consider myself a "lazy natural". That is, I am not all about those fancy styles, weaves, cornrows or the like. I don't have the time, patience, or energy to spend hours upon hours on my hair. The most time consuming part of my hair regimen is my wash day and I like to keep it that way. So if you want to keep your hair healthy, low-maintenance and fabulous, please join me on my natural hair journey. I hope that we can help each other embrace the curls God gave us and learn to love them for the wonders that they are.

The Lazy Natural - Natural Hair and Moisturizing
by AlishaLutz
Tips and tricks to aid you in embracing your natural curls without the high maintenance styles and hassle.
My Power Five Against Dry, Frizzy Hair
The best piece of advice I have for you is to keep your hair as healthy as you can. If you do this, it becomes much easier to keep it low-maintenance and still looking good. You can always do nothing to your hair like I did the first year after I cut off my locks, but it often looked frizzy, unkempt, and undefined. At least, this was my experience. If your hair still looks good with no maintenance, then more power to you! We can’t all be that lucky though. Moisture is the key to healthy curls because curly hair is generally less oily than most other hair types. So what are the tools for the trade? Here’s my Power Five:
- Water. Our hair needs constant moisture to stay healthy, and all the products that you will find to keep your hair satisfied will have some sort of water base. However, you need to start off with some actual pure H2O before you break out the oils and the creams. Spritz some water on your hair in order to get as much moisture as you can. You don’t need to drench your head, but make it nice and damp if you are able.
- Oils. This might take some trial and error to get the best oil for your hair, but once you find it, you should try and stick with it, as consistency is the key to a great hair regimen. Personally, I prefer Garnier® Fructis® Sleek & Shine Moroccan Sleek Oil Treatment which I get from my local Target and CVS, but I know people who swear by pure coconut oil and olive oils. Your hair will tell you what it likes, so listen to it.
- Deep Conditioner. This is so important. In fact, I did not realize how important it was until last year when I decided to get serious about my hair. As a child, my mom would deep condition my hair and I had forgotten how much my hair loved it until I started doing it again. I try to deep condition my hair once a week immediately after I wash it and leave it in with my microfiber hair turban for half and hour to an hour. My weapon of choice? Palmer's Coconut Oil Formula with Vitamin E Deep Conditioning Protein Pack from Target. They come in these handy little packets that are the perfect amount of deep conditioner for a washday. I am still waiting to find where I can get a bigger container of them, but for now, at $1.59 apiece, they work just fine. Plus my hair smells amazing.
- A great conditioner. Whether that is a co-wash conditioner or one you pair up with your shampoo, conditioning your hair when you wash it is key to great moisture. I prefer conditioners without sulfates, but you are free to choose what kind you like. Just make sure you use it regularly.
- A weekly moisturizer. Something to put in your hair between conditioning. Curly hair tends to get dry quickly, and having that daily taste of moisture (in addition to the water spritz I told you about), will do your hair good. I have tried many different daily conditioners, hair milks, and hair creams. If I had to tell you my top two, they would definitely be either L'Oreal® Paris Hair Expertise EverCurl Hydracharge Leave-In Cream, or Camille Rose Coconut Water Heavy Cream - both of which you can find at Target. I love the EverCurl cream because it makes my hair feel silky and hydrated. The Camille Rose cream, well let’s just say it smells like heaven. The first time I saw my boyfriend after I put it in my hair, he just looked at me and said, “Baby, what is that? Your hair smells amazing!” This is coming from a guy who is usually pretty dense about any changes I make to my hair regimen.
So there you go, my Power Five to fighting dry frizzy hair. Please leave a comment on your own favorite moisturizing products!
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This movement is for all of us with overly curly dry hair . It is such hard work straightening and relaxing dry curly hair. I'm thrilled to be all natural and you tips outlined here are very effective. Great page. :)