The Mike DeHaan Wizzography
by mikedehaan
This Wizzography introduces Mike DeHaan as a writer on the Wizzley platform.
Just the Brief Facts about Mike DeHaan
Summary of the DeHaan Wizzography Page
Mike DeHaan began writing professionally in 2010, after a career in information technology as a mainframe computer programmer and quality assurance analyst. He also launched DeHaan Services as the sole proprietor based in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He offers services in training for endurance sports, particularly running, weight control through diet and exercise, and, naturally, writing.
Mike writes for a variety of online magazine sites and in his own blogs. In Decoded Science, Mike applies his B.Math degree to contribute to the surprisingly popular "Mathematics" section. In keeping with the strengths of the Environmental Graffiti site, Mike often writes about unusual or endangered animals and plants. Although he has covered similar ground (and more!) in Suite 101, he writes much of the "Mennonite" topic within the "Mind and Soul" section.
Mike's DeHaan Directory "simply" lists all his articles. The most informative articles on his DeHaan Services site deal with events in Toronto; many have related to amateur sports in that city. He also publicizes his other articles in blog posts there. (Both the Directory and Services sites use WordPress themes). His DeHaan Blog of Writing, on the Weebly platform, usually promotes his other articles. The saving grace of these self-serving blog posts is the addition of writing tips that explain why or how he developed specific articles. Mike writes about weight control and fitness training in his DeHaan Fitness and Weight Control site, which runs on the Blogger platform.
Mike also writes Lenses on the Squidoo platform, many of which deal with specific types of furniture. Feel free to start with his Lensography to see the complete list of lenses. o write
Pictures to Entice Readers to the next Link List
of Recent Articles by Mike DeHaan
Here's a tip that should be in my Blog of Writing: online readers like to see pictures. They prefer helpful images that explain or, at least, relate to the text.
With that in mind, here are images to illustrate the some of the articles in my link list.
Does this bright plumage look different if a bird sees it with UV light?
Probability Theory can involve tossing coins.
Mennonite history would not be a topic without Menno Simons.
Surely that must have whetted your appetite for the link list!
Recent Articles by Mike DeHaan
Not Guaranteed to be the Most Recent
What Do Birds See with their Ultraviolet Vision?
Researchers recently found that birds can see ultraviolet light; but what exactly do they see in UV?
Introducing Probability Theory without Statistics
This article is the first in a series about probability theory. No card shark, high roller or lottery ticket purchaser should leave home without knowing how to calculate the odds.
Found in Decoded Science.
Introducing Mennonite History, Beliefs, Practices and Products
This article does what the title says: it introduces a set of articles. Published in December of 2010, it leads to a set of articles that are still referenced almost daily.
Found in Suite 101.
The DeHaan Lens for Coat Rack Stands
My most popular Squidoo lens puts the focus on this very specific type of furniture, which is useful for more than just coats!
Although I don't have an Amazon account of my very own, you are most welcome to read any of my Lenses and decide whether the items featured there are worth buying. Squidoo has a merchant account with Amazon, and they will facilitate your purchase.
Found in Squidoo, and last updated in April 2011.
TraffUP Tips for Safe and Effective Web Traffic Improvement
TraffUP is a web traffic exchange site, and should NOT be used to promote any sites with third-party advertising. Yes, that means Google Ads, Chitika, Kontera, etc., etc., et weary cetera. However, some sites might benefit from this type of exposure.
Updated in August 2011 in the DeHaan Blog of Writing.
Starting a Series on Target Heart Rate for Different Goals
Yes, another article that starts a series. In this case, it's a four-part series that discusses target heart rates for different fitness goals.
This series had started in Oct. 2011 and finished in mid-December. It was delayed by a nasal cold that kept me from testing myself using my own methods.
Found in the DeHaan Fitness and Weight Control blog.
My Wizzley Articles
What Would a Wizzography Be without a Wizzley Article List?
Absolutely without popular demand, here is a complete list of my Wizzography pages, in order of their first publication.
- "How to Exercise at a Good Heart Rate"
- "The Mike DeHaan Wizzography" is this very page, so it is not a link.
- "Air, Table Salt and Water in a Home Experiment about Mars"
- "When a Senator's Wife was Tossed from a Plane" is an attempt at humour, but is in the "Travel in Canada" section and based on a true news item.
This list is correct as of Sept. 7, 2012.
What Else do you Want from Me?
Soliciting Suggestions for the DeHaan Wizzography
For the nonce, this concludes my introduction page.
While I certainly expect to update it as events warrant, I'm curious to know what anyone would want to know. Does anyone care about the marathon runs I've completed? More about the Mennonite church I attend?
If so...that's the purpose I'd expect the "Comments" section to fulfill.
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Thanks for the note. Hmm, I've never thought that more than snippets from running marathons are all that interesting to anyone but the runner who pushed through them. Thanks for the food for thought.
This is an interesting spin on a Wizzography and I found it very enjoyable and easy to read. Mike, I would love to hear about the marathons you've done. As an ex-runner (stop due to my health) I love to hear stories from other people passionate about running.
Looks very interesting, Mike. I'd also be interested in reading wizzes on Mennonites.
Very interesting wizzography, good to meet you and welcome to Wizzley. :)K
I'd like to see an article or two on your Mennonite church. I know very little about that branch of Christianity.