The Millionaire Messenger a book all about making money as an expert with the knowledge you possess. Brendon Burchard writes an inspiring book touching on his own life experiences whilst delivering a solid journey for any aspiring Entrepreneur.

The Millionaire Messenger
A review of The Millionaire Messenger by Brendon Burchard, An inspiring book about being an entrepreneur with your knowledge.
The Millionaire Messenger Book
Information Experts Become Entrepreneurs
The Millionaire Messenger book is a book by Brendon Burchard who is a rather successful expert at telling people how to earn from peoples interests and really to make a difference sharing anyone's advice that can be packaged and sold digitally or otherwise if they only knew how.
The book at around 160 pages is a small book in comparison to others on the market of self help and self development, but it fares much better as it delivers an emotional message at the very beginning of the book as he describes the time when he had a pretty horrific car crash at an early age and he went on to describe how from that moment on that he began to realize what his true purpose was and he calls this second chance as his Life's Golden Ticket which is a great analogy to Charlie and The Chocolate Factory.
The inspirational message that Brendon passes on to readers of this book is a happy high spirited one, especially if you happen to see Brendon talk in his very useful videos as he delivers an enthusiastic approach to his teachings, well he does this in his book with three main points for people to think of in their own life:
- Did I Live - Did I live and experience all the things I wanted to in life and regretted nothing.
- Did I love - Did I love openly and was happy loving me and everyone around me.
- Did I matter - Whilst I was alive did I matter to those around me?
Well I got to to tell you those 3 things are great things to evaluate anyone's life against, especially the last one, Did I Matter? Sure everyone would want to know that one even while they are living, but the very fact of these important points in anyone's life becoming something to examine and really study what's more important in life is an absolute essential for our own well being and personal development.
Millionaire Messenger has ten chapters which take you through gently on where to go if you are serious about making money from the advice you already know and really want to share and help people through their own problems to which you've been through beforehand. Additionally the concepts of over coming the assumption of what a Guru is perceived as and the mindset that comes with owning your own destiny is something that is explained quite clearly and with a deep understanding of whether this is right for you.
Chapter five is quite stand out for me as it reads like a large blog post but is more noticeable in terms of it gives you clear to action advice that you can implement straight away from claiming your topic right through to delivering quality information and indeed service to your intended audience. So do look for chapter five 10 steps to an expert empire as it was a deliberate attempt at centering and anchoring the whole books premise on this direct and chunky chapter.
Chapter ten is an insightful end note of the book that gives some last minute thoughts and pointers to finally help in your advice and expert giving because Trusting your own voice is about confidence and really trusting yourself to get the message out there from you and you alone.
This was a nice book really and although like many guru books that are out there it has been hyped up, but if you ever get a chance to read it, you'll find nothing but true help and advice and excellent inspiration to spur you on and make your life better or vastly improved than it is now, even if it starts with a simple idea and that idea turns into something great later on down the line, then that's something at least.
Millionaire Messenger Book
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Millionaire Messenger - Make A Fortune Being An Expert
The third paragraph to the first subheading, The Millionaire Messenger Book Information Experts Become Entrepreneurs, asks questions about living, loving and mattering.
Does the book offer the questions that one poses from other people's and other sentients' (such as feline sentients ;-D) perspectives?
One question might be Did I really listen and take time for them?