The Notorious Writer’s Block

by WriterArtist

The Writer’s Block- it happens to me often,and face it, it sure happens to all of us some time or other.Often finding lame reasons not to write, busying self with frivolous things.

I would be hit with many great ideas in the morning but I would find adequate excuses to shirk transforming my ideas into a page, an article or a story. In other words I would have encountered - "The infamous WRITER's BLOCK".

Since my childhood, I discovered my passion for literature, though my Mom insisted I should take an engineering degree as my profession, I never actually fell apart with reading. I would devour bulky novels while hiding them into the attic. I would hide many of them under my blanket, reading them in the wee hours of night. I would not rest till I came to the last page.

Image Courtesy : Pixabay

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An Urge to Write

My Mom had tough time hiding novels and magazines during the exams. I would not spare any book, so famished was I that I would borrow books from my friends and steal from the library.


Somewhere around those times, I found that I could write as well. My essays in English were a favourite among the many English teachers who had taught in my school. I was capable of imagining out of box ideas and pen them together to make something interesting and worth reading.

How do you deal with procrastination?

Writers Need to Read


For a writer to write, it means that he or she needs to read a lot too. I have always found that it helps when I read and read more, there is a constant need to update my vocabulary and treasure it. Words need to hit at the right moment, thoughts need to be processed to transform thinking into an artistic piece. It is analogous to any artist’s artwork and craftsmanship that transforms banal words and phrases into poetry or fiction.

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Writers Need a Break Too


Believe me if I had to write nonstop without having a vacation, it will make me mad. The vacation can mean anything – a short break listening to my favourite songs, watching movies or plain idling. The leisure can be in fact a good exercise of the hibernating brain. It is about how to use it for good when you resume writing. You will be amazed to find plots thickening into brain, unborn stories unveiling during the break. 

The Writer's Block

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Coming Out of Comfort Zone


It is said that it is easy to write on topics that you are interested in. Once in a while try writing on subjects that you are unfamiliar with, you might create a masterpiece. There is so much hidden inside that rarely gets a chance to pop out, you ought to give the mind a break. Write something that you have never dreamt of, write poetry or an arbitrary column in the newspaper, or a magazine article that comes out effortlessly.


Don’t force yourself to write, once in a while let things go airy and awry, write casually and perhaps you can knit those trivial things later. Try to blabber, be vocal, dictate a speech or shout out a commentary. Record and repeat. Unplanned deviations – they can create beautiful manuscripts.

Writer's Blocks

Write Easier and Faster Writer's Blocks is powerful writing software that makes collecting and organizing ideas and information for any type of complex writing project easier an...

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Updated: 02/23/2016, WriterArtist
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Did you ever experience Writer's Block? How did you come out of it?

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DerdriuMarriner on 01/04/2023

Writer's block assumes more the form of not knowing which alternative to accept when writing something. So it becomes not what to write, but how -- by which options presenting themselves -- to write.

Have you read La Peste (The Plague) by Albert Camus? It's like Joseph Grand, who has many options -- far more than I ever allow myself! -- for how to begin the first sentence of his ever-dreamed-of book. But it's unlike him in that I get past those finite options that I consider.

So the only way I never leave the first line is when writing a poem as a one-line monostich!

WriterArtist on 02/25/2016

Sheilamarie - Writing is an art, capturing the attention span of the audience, getting them hooked to your story, undoubtfully requires skills. I agree that the author needs to introduce humour, suspense and the likes which encompass the techniques he/she has to acquire on the passage to writing.

sheilamarie on 02/24/2016

I agree with you that to become a good writer you have to be a good reader. You also need to read like a writer, noticing how the author uses techniques to pull you in as a reader and to keep you engaged.

candy47 on 02/21/2016

I did tell you the option..... I'll Take The Poll Later. :)

WriterArtist on 02/19/2016

@frankbeswick - I love to read your articles. Whenever I come back to Wizzley, I have to browse through your page. It is great that you could produce such nice articles with whatever limited time you have at your disposal.

WriterArtist on 02/19/2016

@Mira - I agree it is best when the writing comes out naturally. Effortlessly and creatively written articles are the best. I think everyone has a writer in him/her, only thing you need is the passion to write.

WriterArtist on 02/19/2016

@candy47 - Tell me what option you want me to add. I will definitely add it.

WriterArtist on 02/19/2016

@AngelaJohnson - You are blessed. I have experienced the "Writer's Block" many times and it is difficult to come out of it easily. So far, I have always managed to come back.

AngelaJohnson on 02/19/2016

I never have writer's block. Instead, I have TOO MANY things I want to write about, and then often have too many projects started but never completed.

candy47 on 02/19/2016

Reading this article gave me inspiration and ambition. Thanks! I took your poll but I was looking for another option...I'll take the poll later.

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