Recently Pope Francis declared that the Seal of Confession must remain absolute. This action followed several assaults on the Seal of Confession, some by nations, others by states of the United States.
What is the Seal of Confession? It is a strict prohibition against a priest revealing anything heard in confession. The reason for this is the priest is sitting in for God, and what a person and God share is not for others. So, no matter how serious a sin confessed, the penitent must have complete assurance that it will remain secret in order to ask for God’s forgiveness with comfort.
I have avoided the liberal term because it may have different connotations in different countries, and thus be misleading to some readers. Writing with an international audience has its challenges in term selection. Thanks for adding, and pointing out the fine line of distinction to clarify how the term applies.
It is fortunate we can discuss religion on the site, some might not allow such discourse.
I call these people pseudo-liberals as true liberals respect freedom, but the pseudo-liberals demand it for themselves, but deny it to those who disagree with them. The politically correct are a mixture of left wingers and pseudo-liberals. They sure hate true religion!
The attack on religion began with the temptations of Christ in the desert and it has continued until our time. It will continue until Christ comes again.There are various agents of the fight, at the moment secularists, humanists, "liberals" [pseudo-liberals, I call them] are the malefactors,but behind them all is the source of evil in the word, whom we call Satan, the Devil.
All Christians must unite to resist this attack.
There a[[ears tp be an attack on religion going on, and we cannot allow it to continue.
blackspanielgallery, Thank you for the back- and front-stories and product lines. There's an article by Chaz Muth July 15, 2019, for the Arkansas Catholic in which the author indicates that such legislation occurs in New Hampshire, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Texas and West Virginia and outside the United States in Australia, Chile, Ireland and the United Kingdom. The author says that no one has been charged or punished for refusing to release such information.
But unless we as a nation and as a world of nations outright state that we're atheists, why would we suddenly tell priests how to do what they have been doing -- and, after all, their adherents have been increasing geographically and temporally -- for over 2,000 years now?