Blogging is easy, some say. It is not as easy as some may think, though. Writing can be taxing at the worst of times, and if you feel pressured to generate content day in and day out without finding some sort of inspiration, you might eventually fall into a rut.
Every blogger has gone through that period when there just seems to be nothing to say or share. The mere thought of composing a blog entry might be taxing in itself.
It is thus no wonder that so many blogs that used to provide great reading have become stagnant over the years. If you are in that situation, you have two choices.
Either you continue to leave your blog alone, or you do something about it. NOW.
Diving back into blogging does not have to be all that difficult, although you do need to exert a bit of effort. Here are three simple things you can do to get back in the game.
Image via Sean MacEntee
One of the reasons I like blogging at WordPress is the ability to blog and schedule the posts to come out later on. Some days I really feel like blogging, so I do a bunch of posts all at once and get them out of the way.