Tide Pods -The Most Exciting New Laundry Product-
My review of the coolest new product for laundry, the Tide Pods! Let me tell you why I am so excited about these fantastic little pacs!
I have been an avid Tide fan for a lot of years- I’ve tried just about every other detergent out there but I always end up coming back to my Tide Plus Febreeze liquid detergent. Cheaper detergents end up eating up their savings in the extra detergent you have to use to get things clean and other comparable detergents just don’t smell as nice or leave my colors as vivid.
I was really excited to get to buy and try the Tide Pod. Here is my Tide Pods review!
This month Tide came out with a new product and I can’t tell you how excited I was to use it. I’ve tried all-in-one detergent packs before, such as the Arm & Hammer Toss ‘N Done packs, and they’ve never dissolved properly- they leave streaks and clumps of detergent in my laundry and won’t wash a large load. The only luck I’ve had with them was with small loads on a hot water wash, making them extremely expensive and inefficient. This time it was my faith in Tide products that sold me more than anything. I’d used the Tide Boost pacs for badly stained clothes and found them extremely effective, so I fully expected the Tide Pods to be amazing.
I Was So Right
The Tide Pods include a color boost formula, detergent and a heavy duty stain remover.
I filled my washer with a large load of stained towels that I had used to clean up my muddy puppy when he came in from a wet yard and dropped a single Pod Pac in on a cold water setting. When I opened the washer 20 minutes later I had fresh smelling, stain free, beautiful towels that looked like I had just purchased them. I was at least giddy, if not borderline clinically hysterical. Talk about cool. The package says that you can use 1 pac for most loads or 2 pacs for a heavily soiled load. I would say that my load was a medium to heavily soiled and the one pac cleaned it perfectly.
Best of all- Tide Pods work in any washing machine!
My laundry room is too small to handle the new high efficiency front loaders, so I have a top loader Whirlpool washing machine. It's one of the biggest load capacity top loaders available and I'm pretty happy with it, but It does run up our utility bills quite a bit to have to use so much hot water to wash a load of laundry- the fact that these pacs work as well with my low efficiency top loading washer makes them an extra huge sell point for me!
My YouTube Review of Tide Pods
So, Are Tide Pods Really Cost Efficient? Yep.
The price tag on the Tide Pods looks a bit steep, but if you really think about it you’ll find that it’s not all that bad. The fact that a single pod can wash a large load effectively with cold water means that your hot water bill will shrink automatically. The stain remover that it contains is VERY effective meaning no more Spray N’ Wash or Resolve bottles cluttering up your shelf or your budget. On top of that, the load count can be doubled if you count it like liquid and powder detergents count. Most detergents give a load count on the front that represents the amount of detergent needed for a small load- that means that your 80 load bottle of detergent will only actually wash 40 large loads of laundry.
While Price Do Change, Pods Are Currently the Most Cost Efficent Name Brand Detergent
Tide Pod 57 Pac - Washes 57 LARGE Loads- $16
Tide Pod 77 Pac - Washes 77 LARGE Loads- $20
Tide Dry Detergent 120 Load - Washes 60 LARGE Loads- $20
Gain 96 Loads Liquid Detergent - Washes 48 LARGE Loads- $16
Cheer 96 Loads Liquid Detergent - Washes 48 LARGE Loads- $16
The fact that these pacs can wash a large load makes them a much better deal, a lot more convenient and a lot higher quality than most of your other available options. I cannot encourage you towards them enough, and I really hope you’ll give them a try! I can’t wait to buy a bigger package and phase out my messy, drippy bottled detergent!
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Does not work well with my Whirl Pool front load. tide pods get trapped in crevice and never fully dissolve leaving the casing behind.