Many things can impact how effectively a treatment crew can eliminate dirt and grime with pressure washing equipment, which is why all customers should have a practical preparation plan that focuses on various locations around a property. If your home is old, locking the windows and doors may not help block the pressurized water.

Tips in preparing your family for a scheduled professional house washing
by RobertKeith
The process of creating prep strategies seems challenging, you can make various preparation phases easier before a pressure washing crew arrives by following a few steps
When a Brisbane based pressure washing appointment is scheduled, a family must implement proper preparation procedures in order to avoid costly problems throughout the treatment process.
1. Secure All Windows and Doors
As water shoots out of a pressure washing hose, the currents blast through an environment at a high speed. Because the stream of water is powerful, it can easily seep through cracks and openings that are found along windows and doors. The best way to keep water out of your home is by locking all doors and windows that are in the treatment zone.
The big problem is that older structures typically have cracked paneling that runs around windows and doors. When powerful water sprays on these vulnerable spots on old paneling, the water generate more flaws. If the jets chip away the paneling dramatically, a lot of water will access nooks and crannies. In order to secure aged paneling, you'll need to spray a sealant over the broken or cracked zones. Sealants are easy to use because they're manufactured in convenient spray cans.
2. Relocate or Cover Vulnerable Items
Although pressure washing tools can get rid of grime that stains general outdoor products, some items that are made for patios, decks, and yards shouldn't get wet. If you own sensitive products that can damage or break when they're soaked with water, you should move these items far away from the treatment zone. When picking a location for your products, always consider the distance that the water can fly after it's blasted onto the side of your home. If a technician needs to remove heavy grime or mold, the equipment's pressure setting must be adjusted to high, and more water will shoot into the air after a gun is adjusted to a higher pressure mode. This means that you should always arrange your delicate outdoor products at the far end of your property before each job that involves heavy mold and tough grime.
In a small yard, relocating grilling equipment, power tools, and other items that can't get soaked won't be an option. To shield these products in a compact area, you'll have to use tarps. A proper tarp for a treatment environment should have a heavyweight fabric that won't blow easily when a gust of wind travels through the area. Also the length of the tarp material should be very long. If a tarp is too short, water may propel underneath the material when a technician sprays the ground.
3. Protect High Risky Areas
On most residential properties, there are areas where kids and grown-ups hang out. In these locations, you must perform thorough inspections to ensure that there are no electronic products on tables or pavements. For example, if a teen is running a cord from an outdoor outlet to a radio or cell phone, you must disconnect the line and remove the gadget out of the treatment zone before the pressure washing crew arrives. After everything is unplugged and relocated, inspect the cover on the exterior outlet thoroughly. This cover should be shut tightly because water will access the circuits if the lid is partially shut.
If the cover on an exterior outlet is missing, inform the pressure washing crew before the treatment begin. Then, buy a thick tarp material and tie it around the outlet so that water won't soak the circuits.
4. Dedicate a Spot for Kids and Pets
Because the pressuring washing process involves high-powered guns, thick soap, and water, a typical kid will want to observe technicians as they remove grime off of soiled surfaces. During most jobs, children can watch a crew eliminate stains if they stand far away from the treatment zone. However, if a property is small, a treatment team will need space to work and treat various surfaces, so kids shouldn't stay in confined treatment areas.
Pets are usually frighten when they hear usual sounds in an environment. When pressurized water lands on tin, aluminum, or wooden materials, the narrow streams of water produce very loud sounds that can scare a typical household pet. If you have trained pets, you should guide them into a room that's several feet away from the treatment area. As the pressure treatment team moves around the home, relocate the pets to other rooms that aren't near the panels that are being treated.
If you have pets that aren't house trained, you'll have to dedicated a spot outdoors for these animals. A practical spot must have a structure that creates a barrier. Without a barrier, a pet could experience an injury as a treatment crew sprays solid surfaces near the ground. When pressure equipment shoots water near the ground, a lot of kinetic energy is generated, and this kind of energy can break a pet's skin. By keeping your pets inside a zone that's surrounded by a somewhat tall fence, they won't escape and run in front of the pressurized water during the treatment process.
5. Prep Zones That Contain Plants
The chemicals that are used to treat soiled exterior surfaces are eco-friendly. This means that the soap that drops on a landscape won't harm plants. However, the pressurized water can damage a delicate plant, which is why you should share information about your plants with the treatment crew before the pressure washing project begins.
If you're able to move potted plants, relocate these items to another location on the property. In order to protect plants that are rooted underground, you'll need to cover them with a waterproof tarp. Because outdoor plants need air and sunlight, you should never cover your plants several hours before the pressure washing team arrives. Instead, cover these plants several minutes before the treatment begins.
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