Tips to Photography

by mbgphoto

Learning a few tips to photography can increase your chances of a great photo experience.

Tips for Photography

Use Polarizing Filter on Bright Days

Photography Tips

always something new to learn

    I have enjoyed photography all of my life, but since my retirement 5 years ago I have really started tried to learn all I can to become a better photographer.  I started out by getting a new DSLR (digital single lens reflex) camera and taking the class at the camera store to get to know my camera better. I also read my manual from cover to cover so that I would understand all about my camera.  After that I set out to take photos.  I had some success in my early efforts, but always felt there was more I could learn.

     My next step was to read books on photography.  I found so many different ones and every photographer had his own opinion about equipment and the best way to photograph.  I think the biggest thing I learned there is that you have to know the guidelines of photography but then you need to find what works best for you.

     This year I took a five week course called Garden Photography.  In this course my instructor gave a lot of great tips to help us to enjoy photography.  He gave us rules but then he said sometimes you break the rules.  What is good in one persons eye may not be to another person.  I really enjoyed this class and learned so much that I will be trying in my own photography.


Close up Photograqphy

Missouri Botanical Garden

     The garden is a great place to learn close up photography.  In the class that I took in May of 2011 we divided our time between classroom work and going out into the gardens to photograph.  In May the irises were in full bloom and made an excellent subject to learn close up photography.   Here are some of the key tips that I took away from the class.

  • Get up close and when you feel you are too close move in a little closer.
  • An overcast day is best for closeups.  
  • A reflector can cast a bit of light on the subject or hide the sun if it is a bright day.
  • If you need to photograph in bright sun pick some brightly colored flowers.  The white and pale ones will fade away in the sunlight.
  • Use A (aperture priority) and start with a F5.6 setting.
  • Use 100-200 ISO.
  • A  tripod works best if there is any air moving at all.
  • Shoot at eye level.
  • Shoot up at the flower for an interesting look.

Tips for Photography

close up photography

Photography Tips

Using Tripod produces Sharper Image

Digital Photography

photography reference book-my favorite
The iPhone Photography Book (The Phot...
Rocky Nook
$17.99  $6.84

Scott Avetta Photography Books

books by my instructor
Illinois Impressions by photography b...
Farcountry Press
Only $42.71
Missouri Impressions by photography b...
Farcountry Press
Only $55.22

Photography Tips

more to learn

     I think the biggest thing that I learned in my photography class is that I have so much more to learn!  For me, that is the great thing about photography.  You can take good pictures with little training but the more your learn and the more you photograph the better you get.

     I look back at some of my earlier photos and I can see things I wish I would have done differently.  It is a life long adventure in learning and perfecting my skills.  

Updated: 06/09/2011, mbgphoto
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Jewelsofawe on 07/15/2011

Great tips! Lately I have been using a 5.6 aperature setting and I really like the way the bokeh is in the background...I always enjoy your photography as well!

sheilamarie on 06/10/2011

Photography helps you see things right in front of your face that you've never really seen before. That's what I like about it the most.

sandyspider on 06/09/2011

Wonderful that you are taking a photography class. Thanks for the tips.

puzzlemaker on 06/09/2011

You've got me wanting to take a photography class. Your photos are wonderful.

nightbear on 06/09/2011

There really is so much to know about photography if you plan to do it well. You and Eva (whiteoak) and Patricia (jewelsofawe) are people I look up to with regards to photography

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