Top Gifts for Pets
by wrylilt
Got a much loved furry friend that you think deserves a Christmas or Birthday gift? Here are some ideas!
Cuddles Certificate
Do you love your pet to bits but just don't seem to get enough spare time to spend with them? For their special gift, design them a 'Cuddles Certificate' (great fun for the kids to make), promising them that you'll spend a certain amount of time pampering, cuddling and playing with your special friend. Your pet won't say no!
Canine Training Course
Is your dog a bit of a rebel? Sign up for an obediance or good citizenship course. Not only will he get out of the house, get to socialize with other pets and have a good run around, he'll also be better behaved once the course is over, making life easier for you!
Buy Your Bird an Aviary
Is your bird stuck inside a small cage? Why not splash out this year and get an aviary to keep your feathered friend in the life to which he'll soon become accostomed? You can buy small or large ones, for indoors or outdoors, depending on your preference and how much room you have.
Cat Entertainment DVD
If you work long hours during the week and your cat is stuck indoors for a large part of the day, you could offer him a special treat to stop the house getting boring. An entertainment DVD made especially for cats will feature things like bugs, mice, birds and fish, sure to keep your cat interested! Put it on a timer to play at certain times of day when you know your cat will be awake and bored.
Doggy Diet
Is your pet getting on in years and around the middle? Whynot treat him to a special pet diet? You can talk to your vet about it, and then decide on a good brand of dog food to help your pet lose weight. And it doesn't have to be bad either - although some types of dog foods cost more, many of them will taste better, so your pet will probably be quite happy, thinking he's being spoilt better!
Grooming Day
Just like humans, dogs love to get pampered. Why not treat your special companion to a day at the grooming parlour? It's a great way to get them clean, free of fleas and knots in their fur and with cut nails, all in one day. You might want to drop your dog off and go for your own pampering day in the meantime!
Pet Friendly Holiday
Just like you, your dog loves to get out and have a bit of a change. Next time you plan a holiday, why not take your dog with you? Many caravan parks allow pets, or you could go camping. Just remember - cats take a lot longer to adjust to a new environment, so you might want to leave puss at home, in care!
Pet Insurance
Pets can be surprisingly expensive when it comes to operations, needles and other medical issues. Why not get pet insurance for your pet? Not only will you guarantee your pet the best care, you'll also be happy knowing that if your pet gets some type of life threatening condition that requires a big financial expenditure, you will be able to afford it.
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What a lovely idea Cat entertainment DVD, I did not know they existed