Top Ten Romantic Comedies to Watch on Valentine's Day 2019

by Marie

Here's the top ten romantic comedies to watch this Valentine's Day. Best movies with romance that are funny. Choose from this movie list that will make you laugh and cry.

You won't find the latest movies here and that's because the top ten romantic comedies are all rom coms which have really stood the test of time. On this list are the true classics which still make me laugh and cry after multiple viewings. I picked these ones out as being especially good to sit and watch on Valentine's Day.

Some of these movies are ones which I can snuggle up with and watch with my man for a lazy and romantic evening in. And some are ones which he pretends to loathe although I catch him sneaking a look over his Kindle. Come and vote for your fave romantic movie on this list at the end.

The Best Top 10 Romantic Comedies 'Laugh and Cry' Rom Coms List - Vote for Your Favorite at the End!

Top Romantic Comedy Movie Name Date of Movie Main Actors
Muriel's Wedding 1994 Toni Collette
Mamma Mia 2008 Meryl Streep, Pierce Brosnan, Amanda Seyfried
Only You 1994 Marisa Tomei, Robert Downey Jr
Love Actually 2003 Hugh Grant, Alan Rickman, Emma Thompson, Liam Neeson
Sense and Sensibility 1995 Hugh Grant, Emma Thompson, Kate Winslet, Alan Rickman
Music and Lyrics 2007 Hugh Grant, Drew Barrymore
Notting Hill 1999 Hugh Grant, Julia Roberts
You've Got Mail 1998 Tom Hanks, Meg Ryan
Sleepless in Seattle 1993 Tom Hanks, Meg Ryan
Truly Madly Deeply 1990 Alan Rickman, Juliet Stevenson

#1 Muriel's Wedding: Fun and Gritty with ABBA Soundtrack

Before Mamma Mia came along, there was another great movie which celebrated ABBA music and that was Muriel's Wedding. If you 'get' the typical in-your-face and often crass Australian or Aussie humor, then you'll love this movie.

Muriel is obsessed with ABBA (rightly so) and the idea of getting married. But she's stuck in a rut with a terrible family and humdrum life. It's very much a tragic comedy which will have you feeling depressed one minute and giddy with glee the next. If you loathe ABBA music then this really isn't for you because it is simply laden with classics such as 'Dancing Queen.'

#2 Mamma Mia: Pierce Brosnan and Colin 'Mr Darcy' Firth!

Oh, I thought I'd died and gone to heaven when I saw Mamma Mia in the cinema. ABBA - win. Pierce 'Bond' Brosnan - win. Colin 'Mr. Darcy' Firth - win! If you love ABBA's hit tracks and you love a nice (mostly clean) feel-good movie, then you just can't go wrong with this.

Hubby loathes this DVD - lots of men do! And he loves to point out the fact that Pierce Brosnan is a terrible singer, which he is but at least he gave it a go.

Mamma Mia is a joyous, musical blast from start to finish with great singing and funny dance routines. And even when the credits start to roll, there's more - tons more. If you've had a bad day, this is the one to really cheer you up!

#3 Only You: The Overlooked Rom Com Movie

It's a shame that Only You doesn't get more credit. It's often overlooked in so-called top romantic movie lists - and yet it's lovely and sweet. Robert Downey Jr and Marisa Tomei have really great chemistry and you don't often get that in romantic comedies.

Venice is such a romantic location that the movie makes you want to pack up your things and fly straight there. The story itself is cheesy but fun. However, the message underlying the movie should have you in floods of tears: follow your heart and you'll be happy. Only You is sweet, it's sappy and it will sweep you off your feet. A cute movie for a girly night in.

See a Full Review of Only You here
Only You
$16.6  $59.99

#4 Love Actually: Top British Movie with Hugh Grant

Some of the best rom-coms are British - and they also feature that charmer, Hugh Grant! If you're not a Hugh Grant fan then don't let that put you off Love Actually because he is just a small (though essential) element in this movie which is made up with several different love stories that all intertwine at the end.

This movie is simply a celebration of love in all its different forms. There's an amazing cast of characters including Liam Neeson, Colin Firth, Emma Thompson, Kiera Knightley and Alan Rickman. There are some truly hilarious parts such as Hugh Grant dancing which has me in stitches every time. Perfect at Christmas to cozy up with your loved one. 

#5 Sense and Sensibility: Romantic Period Drama with Laughs

Some literature purists won't like this movie - period. I adore this version of Sense and Sensibility which really pulls out the amazing wit and humor from the book version while remaining true to the characters created by Jane Austen.

This is the one movie that really tugs at my emotions each and every time I watch it. This movie has me sobbing with heartbreak and crying with joy as well. Sense and Sensibility is incredibly well acted and I don't think I've ever seen finer acting in any movie. You wouldn't expect this to be funny, but it has such a perfect blend of light and dark moments to capture your heart forever. 

#6 Music and Lyrics: Cheesy Fun to See Hugh Dancing to POP

Music and Lyrics is a cheesy movie. It's not a serious film which is going to really tug at your heart strings and pack an emotional punch. But it's funny - in some parts it's so bad that it's funny!

It's worth watching if only to see Hugh Grant singing and dancing. It has me in howls of laughter when you see Hugh strut his stuff. A silly story, some actually surprisingly good tunes (if you like 80s pop music) and just fine fun. In fact, I'm humming the music for this as I write - so it clearly has left a good impression.

A cute movie which is great for a light-hearted evening. Just don't take this movie too seriously, it's meant as a starter and not a full blown hot dinner. Pop, goes my Heart!

#7 Notting Hill: Another Top Rated Romantic Comedy

I promise I'm not on some sort of Hugh Grant love fest here - but he does have a habit of cropping up in some of the very best romantic movies! Ironically enough, I'm more into Harrison 'Indiana Jones' Ford - but he's better at playing action man than Mr Smooth.

Notting Hill is a bit like a modern Cinderella - except it's the guy who meets someone who seems totally out of his league instead. Two people who come from totally different worlds - can they ever make it as a couple? A modern fairy tale and a real fine one too. Some very funny moments with Hugh having such an oddball flatmate. 'Horse and Hound' anyone?

#8 You've Got Mail: A Charming Online Romance

Back when You've Got Mail was made (1998) the Internet was still new and a romance blooming from it was a novel idea. Nowadays, many romances have resulted from the boom of technology which makes the concept of this movie even more applicable.

This is one romantic movie that my man not only likes to watch but freely admits to it too. There have been many romantic nights in where we've cuddled up on the sofa to watch You've Got Mail. I'm wondering if it's because he likes Meg Ryan but I'm not knocking what the reason is - just getting him to sit down and watch a movie is a plus!  

It is lightly humorous. This film doesn't give me a full out belly-laugh like some of the others on my list. But it's a warm, feel-good film which is cute and fun to watch.

#9 Sleepless in Seattle: Slow and Sweetly Endearing Love

Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan perform their magic chemistry again with the so-sweet, Sleepless in Seattle. Like You've Got Mail, this is a slow-burn romance that is mildly funny in parts.

When I'm in the mood for a slow, gentle romance then Hanks and Ryan win the day with their performances which are cute and have a charming chemistry.

How can you know you're right for someone when you've never met them? Well some people just do and that's what is encapsulated so well in this classic movie. Add to that a wonderful and timeless soundtrack full of all-time-great songs.

#10 Truly Madly Deeply: Laughing Grief and Heartache Away

Number 10 is my wildcard because Truly Madly Deeply is a movie that I can guarantee will not appeal to everyone. It's expensive, like an old collector's item now, so you might want to check it out on places like eBay or see if you can rent this first! Alan Rickman is a superb actor. Every part he plays is pure genius. He nails it every time.

Truly Madly Deeply is not your normal rom-com. For a start, it begins with the heartbreak of losing your loved one to death and all the grief that can entail. It's about loving someone so much that you can let them go. And it strangely manages to be funny as well. A true classic. I hope you've enjoyed reading my wizzles page today, thanks for your visit. Hope you found something great to watch on Valentine's Day!

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Vote for your favorite Valentine's Day Romantic Comedy Movie Top Rated Romantic Comedies
Image is in the Public Domain from Pixabay and has been altered by the author

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Updated: 11/13/2018, Marie
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Marie on 08/27/2012

Ooh yes I'd love to see a theatre production of Mamma Mia :) That sounds like it was a lot of fun. Thanks for your visit, Annie :)

annieangel on 08/26/2012

There are so many... I hated the Mamma Mia film though - it is very very poor version - seeing it done in a theatre by a theatre group is magical though - I saw it in Edinburgh in a theatre that sat thousands and every single one of them was up and dancing and singing by the end.

Marie on 01/18/2012

Great choice @WiseFool. I love Muriel's Wedding although is is very gritty and not at all like your stereotypical romcom! Thank you for your visit!

WiseFool on 01/18/2012

I haven't seen all of these (missed out on Only You, Music and Lyrics, Truly Madly Deeply and Mama Mia - although, I have seen that on stage). Despite the fact I'm not familiar with them all, I'm going to go out on a limb and say, for me, nothing in the romcom genre could top Muriel's Wedding. I could watch it all day long!

Marie on 01/16/2012

Thanks Terri, yes Amelie is a beautiful film.

TerriRexson on 01/16/2012

Not really my genre, but I like Amelie. Romantic in a quirky way.

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