When we talk about the video game hardware for the latest games one thing is most important, the graphics. Nowadays games are becoming graphically intense and you will need to have a good graphic card to enjoy the full graphics of the game and play it smoothly. But even if you don’t have a very powerful graphic card you can still play the game if you are ready to compromise with the intense graphical effects and frame rates by tweaking some game settings. So it is not always necessary to have the best video game hardware to play the latest game.
I will share some information of the motherboard, processor, video card and more to give you some knowledge before you buy.
Are you planning on upgrading to handle your video games?
DerdriuMarriner, Since I had first wrote this, it has been some time since playing video games. I am one who becomes too involved with games and needed to take a break. I like both games about the same. Better if you do have all the goodies for a smoother game. Though you can still play these games on most computers that are Windows 7 and up.
sandyspider, How much of a quality difference is having or not having the accelerator, cooling and network card? Which do you prefer of F.E.A.R. and Civilization V?
@Tolovaj I use to be a video game junkie. It is addicting. I do understand how time is limited.
Unfortunately my time is very limited in recent years, so I can't play video games. Hopefully situation will improve soon. There are so many interesting things to explore! And it looks in many way the future is already here:)
Wournos I know what you mean. I have put up with this myself.
I'm currently suffering from low graphics settings when playing Entropia Universe. I've had to set to the lowest possible setting (which doesn't look like much of a difference from the medium setting) otherwise the game gets really choppy.
But it's amazing what you can put up with if you don't want to upgrade your computer. ;)
You are so right Katie.
It's amazing the clarity of video games if you have the proper hardware graphics, it makes a world of difference. :)K