Warm Butternut Squash and Avocado Smoothie

by Mira

Healthy butternut squash and avocado smoothie, served (luke)warm. It helps burn the fat of rich Thanksgiving foods, and comes with other great health benefits too. 15-minute recipe

Butternut squash has a wonderful flavor to it. I love it in pies and smoothies. It’s also very healthy as it is highly rich in beta-carotene, a provitamin A carotenoid, and also contains some vitamin C and vitamin E. These are all antioxidant vitamins which help your body fight free radicals. In addition to bolstering your immune system, these antioxidants have certain specific roles.

Vitamin A plays an important role in the health of your vision and bones. It has other health benefits as well.

Vitamin E is important not only for a healthy immune system but also for a healthy metabolism. It also helps prevent coronary heart disease, and protects your eyes, reducing the risk of developing cataracts and age-related macular degeneration. Studies have also shown that it reduces cognitive deterioration associated with neurogenerative diseases.

Vitamin C is important for the health of your bones, connective tissue, teeth and gums, while also helping the body absorb iron. It also helps your body heal if you’ve sustained burns or injuries.

Butternut squash also contains B vitamins and a number of minerals, such as potassium, magnesium, and manganese.

The healthy fats (omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids) in avocados help your body absorb fat-soluble vitamins like vitamin A and vitamin E (so it’s a great idea to add it to a fruit or vegetable smoothie), while also lowering your bad (lousy ) cholesterol (LDL) and your triglycerides.

Avocado also comes packed with many phytonutrient antioxidants. Two of them are carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin, which protect your eyes against cataracts and age-related macular degeneration. They also prevent heart disease and stroke and may lower the risk of breast and lung cancer.

So eat avocados (incorporating them in smoothies is a great way to enjoy them), and don’t be put off by the fact that they have a rather high calorie content (300 calories for a typical avocado). Ah, and besides what I’ve mentioned so far, they contain vitamins A, C, E themselves, and almost half of your recommended daily intake of vitamin K and fiber. Avocados also contain B vitamins as well as potassium, copper, magnesium, manganese, and other minerals.

So you see, if you eat right, I can make the case that you don’t need that daily vitamin and mineral pill. But I’m not a doctor. I only recommend food that tastes good, and tell you about the health benefits as well, to convince you that it is possible to eat tasty food and maintain good health.

Disclaimer: Always consult with your doctor. Some people need more of certain vitamins and minerals, and may, therefore, need vitamin / mineral supplements. That being said, Dee Sandquist, spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, the largest organization of its kind in the US, makes the case that too much of vitamins A, C, and E is actually harmful. Here's an article by Anna Miller, titled Popular but Dangerous: 3 Vitamins That Can Hurt You, published on the Web site of U.S. News and World Report on February 24, 2012.

And now the recipe for this great fall smoothie! It’s really simple.

Ingredients and Instructions

Ingredients and Instructions

Prep time 10 min  -  Total time 15 min
Ingredients for 6 servings
1 small butternut squash (700 grams / 25 oz)  • 2 avocados  • 4 tablespoons honey  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon  • ½ teaspoon nutmeg  • maple syrup (optional)

1. Bring some water to a boil.
2. Peel and dice the butternut squash.
3. Boil the squash for 10 minutes only.
4. Cut the avocados in half, scoop up the avocado flesh, and dice it; then add it to the blender.
5. When you take the squash off the stove, save about half of the hot water.
6. Either cool the squash and the hot water, OR use some ice cubes later instead of part of the hot water.
7. Add the squash to the blender as well, and then the water in which it boiled. If you add the squash and water hot, then add some ice cubes instead of part of the hot water.
8. Add the honey, cinnamon and nutmeg.
9. Purée and serve (luke)warm.

Recipe  5.0/5 Stars (14 Votes)

It tastes good and if you’re used to eating healthy food you’ll know what I say when I say it tastes not only good but healthy, too. By healthy I mean foods with lots of nutrients, healthy fats, and no artificial flavorings. Pretty simple, isn’t it? It's not that hard to cook healthy. The main problem is finding the time to stay inspired enough for healthy foods.

Tip on How to Ripen an Avocado Quickly

If you have some avocados and they’re not soft yet, keep them in a closed paper bag with a banana or two and check daily. The ethylene released by the bananas will help ripen the avocados.

If you don’t have avocados handy (I always keep some in my fruit bowl) you can make this butternut squash smoothie without the avocado.

Butternut Squash Smoothie Without the Avocados

Same thing as above, without the avocados. :) Well, not exactly. You may need to add some yogurt to make it creamy.

You can also try adding some maple syrup. Don’t skip on the honey though. Add both honey and maple syrup, or you’ll waste a lot of expensive maple syrup trying to get that sweet taste.


Some of My Other Healthy and Easy Recipes
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If You Liked this Smoothie Recipe of Mine

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Updated: 10/03/2015, Mira
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Mira on 10/03/2015

I can't believe it's the season for this smoothie again. I may buy maple syrup for it. Unfortunately it's very expensive over here.
Avocadoes ripen faster in a paper bag with or without a banana, but bananas speed up the process. Apparently so do apples and tomatoes!

DerdriuMarriner on 10/03/2015

Mira, Avocado, butternut squash, cinnamon, honey, and nutmeg are delicious! The maple syrup option is something that I need to try.
Is there something other than a banana for bag-ripening?

Mira on 11/11/2013

I like that idea, too :)

ologsinquito on 11/11/2013

This would be a great idea for later in the day, when people are starting to get a little hungry again after eating a big Thanksgiving meal.

Mira on 01/21/2013

I imagine adding some melon would make it even better. I'll have to try it too. Last time I did a smoothie for 2 with 1/2 avocado, 2 slices of melon, 1 banana, and some orange juice. It tasted great, if I may say so myself :)

katiem2 on 11/25/2012

My pleasure, looking forward to your new creations.

Mira on 11/25/2012

I'm gonna have to get my hands on some chia seeds soon :). Thank you, Katie, you're an inspiration.:)) I can't wait.

katiem2 on 11/25/2012

Chia seeds turn to a gelatin type substance when added to water. My daughter makes pudding using them all the time, she adds 1/2 cup warm water,1 tablespoons honey and 1 teaspoon chia seeds to make a nice sweet treat, it turns to a pudding like consistency in just a few minutes.

Mira on 11/25/2012

Right, that's a good idea (for the consistency). I also think that adding something like cranberries will work nicely (for the flavor).
I haven't tried chia seeds yet, and am eager to. I hear they expand in your stomach to a huge degree, which means you can take smaller meals (and lose weight). It's certainly a great idea for when you don't even have time to sit and enjoy a regular meal, and have to eat at the computer (which unfortunately happens sometimes).

katiem2 on 11/25/2012

Maybe flax seed or chia seeds, they turn to a jello type consistency when they become wet.

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