Using guided imagery is something that has helped me in many kinds of situations, and in many different ways. I first found out about guided imagery when I read the original Love, Medicine and Miracles, by Bernie S. Segel, M.D. In the back of the book were two scripts that one could read and record for themselves.
I was facing a second major surgery when I came across this book. I made a guided imagery tape using the scripts in the back of the book, and used a lot less pain medication. My recovery time was quicker as well.
I first made a recording of some piano music that I played. They were very simple songs and I repeated them over and over again quite a few times. Once I had my background music tape made, I played that in the background while I read the scripts from Love, Medicine and Miracles. I basically had one script on each side of the tape, and let the music play out for the remainder for each side of the tape.
Armed with the guided imagery tapes, I went in to the hospital facing a second major surgery in less than a two year time period, and also had more stuff done with the second one than with the first one. But the amazing thing was that I recovered so much better from the second one, perhaps because I had some idea of what to expect. But, more importantly I believe, I also had guided imagery recordings to listen to.
I required a lot less pain medication. In fact, a nurse came in and announced to me that I didn't have to deprive myself of the pain medication. The truth of the matter was that I wasn't depriving myself at all. I just didn't need it! With the relaxing guided imagery along with the soothing music on the tapes, that I played pretty much every time I woke up and before going to sleep, I just plain felt so much better and had a lot less pain.
Do you have any questions or comments about guided imagery?
Sorry. Was new to wizzley and forgot to click the thumbs up button last time I was here. I have managed to publish 3 articles. Hope you will visit when you get the time.
I did some guided imagery years ago. Time to get back into it!
That is so cool cmoneyspinner. I have done guided imagery with my daughter, husband, and friends too.
Interesting. I used to do this with my kids when they were small. I didn't know it was called "guided imagery".