Spill out the contents of your junk drawer. Play with the contents. Sort the contents. Compare the numbers of items in each pile. Make a pattern with the sorted piles. Add groups of items together. Remove some to make patterns. Can you guess how many items you found in your junk drawer? Make groups of tens and skip count to see how many items you found there all together. You just covered about 8 math concepts. Hands-on math can be all about discovery and cleaning out the junk drawer...
Photo Credit: Math in the Junk Drawer by puuikibeach
Used under creative commons
Junk Drawer Comments
I have a junk drawer, and things get stuck away in there all the time. I don't like having it TOO organized, because sometimes it is just fun to pull the drawer out and see what discoveries I can make. It might not be the best system in the world, but it does afford me some interesting finds on occasion. A junk drawer is great for all of those small items that you just cannot seem to find a logical place for otherwise!
This is great! I hate junk drawers, because I can't figure out what to do with all the junk. Now I know. I'll organize it.
Love this use of junk! Great way to get young minds moving and to get help organizing ye ol' junk drawer at the same time.