What to Consider when Buying a Digital Camera

by tinacollins

The range and variation of cameras on the market today, can be overwhelming. So, which camera do you choose?

Today's market of digital cameras is vast. For those who do not know much about cameras and their features, this could seem like a daunting task : How do I choose the best digital camera for my needs and my experience?

There is no need to feel out of your depth as this article is designed to help you make an informed decision about the camera you require.

Please do read on...

Compact or Hybrid Digital Camera?

One of the first questions you could ask yourself is:

Am I looking for a compact digital camera or a hybrid digital camera?

At this point, this doesn't really matter. Today, all digital cameras on the market excel in the job that they are designed to do. This is, of course, taking photographs. Many will also have the capacity to produce video as well, if you want to make your own home movies.

So, whether you choose a compact or a hybrid, you will know that you are buying a camera that will do its best, within its capabilities, for you in that area.




Samsung Smart Camera

Sensors - What do they mean?

The quality of your photographs all come down to, not only your ability, but the size of the sensor in the camera.

A lot of camera manufacturers sell their products by highlighting the sensor pixel count of each camera. However, is this important? Whilst it can be important you can become too focussed on this area that you possibly may need to be. It isn't only the indicator of camera quality. I.e. too many pixels on a small sensor can have a detrimental effect on image quality.

For example, I currently own a Fujifilm Finepix S camera with 12 megapixels. However, another camera that has been passed down to me is the Canon E0S 350D. This camera has only 8 megapixels. You would think that the Fujifilm would produce the better image but it doesn't. The Canon far outstrips it on image quality and shutter speed.

So, why is this?

The smaller the sensor then the smaller the pixels have to be to fit on the available space. Therefore, in this case, less is definitely more. If there are too many pixels crammed into a small space then problems can occur such as image noise. if you couple a low pixel count with a good lens, then the camera has the potential to produce exceptional images.


Final Required Features of your Camera

Obviously, sensors and pixels are not the only consideration you need to make. The camera must also have the features that you will require or you think you may need.

One feature you could think about is whether you would need a camera that gives you the ability to change the lens. If this is the case, then do go for a camera that also has a sensor cleaning option.

This feature is highly recommended as the very act of changing lenses can introduce dust onto the sensor.

Updated: 12/02/2024, tinacollins
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DerdriuMarriner on 02/27/2024

Thank you!

That's so correct about how protective cases, as you mention in your comment below, have "no bearing on how that camera is used"!

Might that be why so many put just their mobiles in their back pockets?

tinacollins on 02/27/2024

That comes down to personal choice and has no bearing on how that camera is used.

DerdriuMarriner on 12/12/2023

Digital-camera finishes appear somewhat vulnerable in their pastel pink and pretty red finishes and somewhat survivalist in their black finishes.

Does a protective case come with the camera or is it not needed?

DerdriuMarriner on 12/09/2023

The first subheading asks about compact and hybrid cameras.

What makes a compact camera compact and a hybrid camera hybrid?

Rose on 01/21/2014

I've got a Canon too. Great little thing!

Mira on 06/03/2013

I own a Canon 350D, too, and am very happy with it. Wish it would record videos as well, though.

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