Anybody who has ever attended college knows that it isn’t cheap. Books are a big part of the expense, but books are something that can be bought used. Buying cheap books allows college students to spend their limited funds on other things that they need--like food! Whether you prefer traditional textbooks or e-textbooks, Chegg and Course Smart can save you a bundle.

Where to Buy Cheap Used Text Books for College
by VictoriaLynn
Books are a big part of college expenses, but used books can be bought cheap. Online sties like Chegg and Smart Course offer significant savings on textbooks and e-textbooks.
Sell books on Chegg with book buyback
See why students like Chegg!
Save on textbooks and e-textbooks at Chegg
Sell books back when finished with them!
There are a few sites that sell textbooks, and even e-textbooks, for significant savings off bookstore prices. Chegg is an online college bookstore and resource center for students. Print textbooks as well as e-textbooks are available. Books can be bought new or used, or rented for even more savings. Students get a 21 day guarantee to check out text books and 14 days to try out the e-books.
It is easy to search Chegg’s directory of books to find required texts in psychology, management, human sexuality, English, and more. Chemistry books, which can range in price up to $150, can be found for up to an amazing 92% off. Many of the texts claim 80% savings off retail book prices.
Besides being able to buy cheap text books, students can sell them back to the site when finished with them. Shipping for this is free! What a deal!
Chegg offers study help
Chegg is more than just a bookstore. Chegg is also a valuable resource for students, as the site provides study help in different areas. Need help with history, English, or math? For any subject, students can type in their question and expect an answer within two hours. Students must sign up to join, and for a monthly fee can upgrade to get more expert help in their particular subjects.
Scholarship and college information on Chegg
Chegg also offers a link to scholarship and college information. The site outlines hundreds of scholarship qualifications with an option to apply right from the site. Students can look up hundreds of colleges and universities as well, inputting their choices such as public or private, location, co-ed, cost, and more. They can see what ACT and SAT scores are required. They can read about any university of their choice, when it was founded, and what it offers.
Besides being an affordable resource for textbooks, Chegg is an amazing center for student assistance. With a Chegg promo code, students can save even more on the texts they need for classes.
Go digital at Course Smart
Try e-textbook for 60% savings!
Another great source for textbooks, specifically e-textbooks, is Course Smart. For those wanting to go totally digital in regard to texts, they will find that they can at Course Smart. This online site has been named number one in digital print.
Students can search the site for their required texts and enjoy 60% savings on e-books as opposed to print texts. With a free trial, there is nothing to lose in trying out these e-textbooks. Not everyone may like e-books, but it could be less hassle for those who like to live simply. If needed, pages of texts can be printed off. Texts can also be highlighted online as needed.
How to use Course Smart E-books
Even while being offline!
Teachers can use Course Smart
Choose textbooks for class!
Teachers can also benefit from Course Smart. Choosing textbooks for classes is always challenging. On this site, instructors can compare potential texts side by side to help them choose the most appropriate for their classes. They can also access free exams for the books that they do choose. This site also offers significant savings with online coupons. Use Course Smart coupons when considering purchasing your e-textbooks.
Chegg and Course Smart are some of the best sites for back-to-school shopping for textbooks. Whether print or e-textbooks, these sites offer great prices for the savvy student.
For college and public school students
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Thanks, Hillary, for another great resource!
When I am looking to <a href="">Rent Textbooks</a>:I use they are a great online resource for Renting, Selling, and Searching Text books online. One of the largest wholesalers of college textbooks
They are and I will def be keeping my eyes on these and the best deals as college rolls around. :)K
Thanks, Katie. These are great resources, from what I can see!
Good to know, in two short my oldest will be attending college and I'm learning all I can on college savings. Text books are a great expense. thanks for the saving tips. )K