Who is Ralpapajan? This is my Wizzography.
by Ralpapajan
Here you will be able to read more about me and what I have done, do now, and want to do in the future. I hope you enjoy it.
All about Ralpapajan
Self Promotion at its very finest.
1. How does the name come about? ~ Stupid really. I started trying to get a Google presence for my books and for the Community program I wanted to advertise. So I googled my name. There were several authors with my name, one of whom wrote books that just were not me. Just google "Rob Thurman" and you will see what I mean. In fact, I was asked by several people why I wrote these books. I have no bother with letting people know my real name ~ my Pen Name shows it anyway.
Then another writer was a well respected Buddhist expert and father to Uma Thurman the actress. And there were more. The same thing happened when I Googled my Community program's name ~ Helping Hands. So what to do?
Well for me I took all the first initials of my family R L P P J N and added an A = and. Thus came the name ~ my family in chronological order. Of course there have been changes. The wife coudln't take my eccentricity any more = I don;t blame her! Two of my kids got married and the another engaged but in the light of the acronym it was a requirement that they marry someone whose initials fitted in. They duly obliged. Another J and an S. Oops.I had just got a graddaughter and she was an S - so later on my sites are called Ralpapajans. LOL. Then another granddaughter - another S. Phew. That was a close one. They had all sorts of suggestions.
So that is the name. But what about me?
Well then.
a. Age ~ I am a geriatric.
b. Current Occupation ~ Retired from working for others. Although it must be said that every company or organisation I have ever worked for is no longer in existence bar one ~ and that one has announced its intention to cease trading shortly! Not a bad record over 50 plus years I was working at a Just Over Broke! (Now I am just broke!)
c. So what do I do? ~ well, after a lifetime spent doing what I was told (well sometimes that happened though I must confess not too often) I now do what I want to do. (Well not quite but almost) Mainly though I write books and try to raise funds for my Community Program (not Heping Hands though that one is still going strong but is run by someone else.) Now I am trying to raise the werewithal to move permanently to a small country in Central America where I can set up an Experimental Project that I called Ko'ox Tun. (Pronounced kush tunn) When I first Googled that all I got was a similar name for a type of watch. Try it now. Where did I get it? It is Mayan for "Let's get going!" I think you can sum up my life at the moment by saying that I get some money in and then watch it go out trying to set up an income from the Internet. One day!
d. Where am I from? ~ Well then. I was born in a little market town called Melton Mowbray ~ Where the Pork Pies come from ~ in Leicestershire (lestersheer) on Mudd Island (England) way back during World War II. But that is only where I was born. My dad was a Royal Navy Engineer and he spent twenty years visiting 52 plus countries ~ mostly in the tropics. So in 1948 he stuck a pin a globe (You know those things - they are on a spindle and nowadays most seem to be inflatable. It wasn't his so I hope the one he used was the solid kind.) Anyway, the pin landed in Ceylon and he got a job there with Johhny Walker ~ I must hasten to add NOT the whisky. Then just as he was about to go and send for the family the Commies took over. (Apparently - anyway he was told he had to go elsewhere) So back to the globe. This time it hit the northern part of the Transvaal in South Africa. Oooh! "No, I was with Jannie Joubert's South Africans at Tobruk. I didn't like them. I tell you what - we'll go to the next country up - Southern Rhodesia. So we did and thus I became a Rhodesian.
e. What did I do there? ~ You name it I did it. Rhodesia during the 'Fifties was, I believe, the very best place to live for any white boy - anywhere in the world. I say white boy for, although I lived with an African tribe for some time as a 15 year old and had many indigenous people as friends I cannot, in all honesty say that the quality of life was the same for them. In my latest book I am analysing, in novel form, the years from 1900 to 2005 from the point of view of the black people.
f. What else did I do? I went to school until I was sixteen. I played rugby, cricket, tennis, table tennis, squash, golf and also rode horses and motor bikes. At 9 I drove tractors to do the Saturday morning shopping in town for my mother (the policemen helped me stop on the main street as I couldn't reach the brakes) worked in my Dad's garage on tractor engines and had quite afew accidents - at that time not mortor just the normal things that happen to kids - like tearing my leg open from below the knee to just below the hip. As you know everyone does the same.
g. What about work? ~ What about it? Oh yes. One has to work to live. A pity. I went into insurance, I wanted to write but couldn't get a job as a journalist. My mate at school took the only jo on offer at that time. Then I was called up for the army. Fifty years ago last May 11 I joined the army. But mainly I worked at insurance. Then there was the AIr Force where I joined as a volunteer and the Police which I also joined whilst still in the Air Force and did call-ups for both. The war was on and people were leaving the country in droves.
h. The family? ~ I managed to fit in a wife and three kids in Rhodesia, adding a fourth after we moved south.
i. What about travel? ~ Well I have managed to visit about 28 countries.
j. Education? ~ What does that mean? Formal - just the schooling to age 16 then work. However, I started studying after I left school and have never stopped. For some reason the University of Natal appointed me a Visiting Lecturerat their Civil Engineering Department and the Insurance Institute of Natal asked me to lecture their students. A bit misguided of them probably.
k Hobbies? ~ I take photographs. I do Nordic Walking. That is about it.
Well then. I think that is all. It has been rather fun telling anyone who reads this what a big headed twit I am. Not often one gets the chance,
Oh, I missed out one point amid all this waffle. What do I want to do?
That is the subject for another day and another page. See ya.
Ko'ox Tun
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Hi Mira, Many thanks ~ will try.
Fun Wizzography :) Good luck on your future adventures! :)
I encourage everyone to look at their lives and describe what they have done in book form to hand over to their grand-children. It is amazing what one finds they have done. Do it now and add to it. What seems boring to me seems exciting to others.
You have lived such an interesting life. Mine seems boring in comparison lol
Why thank you, ma'am.
How cool, love the pictures very nice and that lion cub is fantastic. I also like the picture of you on the tractor. They are all good and a nice peek into your life, what an interesting person Ralpapajan is :)K
Thank you, Sharilee Shares and Tolovaj. I hope so as well. Making plans for more fun in Africa next year. Oh and I also joined Camp NaNoWriMo and have to write a 50 000 word novel in 30 days from 1 June. I use 750Words.com and have now managed 365 days! Plus 475 000 words. Anyone with either Verbal Diarrhoea (me) or Writers Block should try it.
Ciao for now.
Cool story, Ralpapajan, looks like you enjoyed your life so far and I think there is a lot more to come:)
Nice to meet you!
Wow, you've had a very exciting life! I am glad you are here; it sounds like you have some interesting stories to tell. Great biography.
TYVM Glad you liked it.