Who was I and Who am I now? I celebrated my 60th birthday this year - well sort of celebrated but that is another story involving a day's 'ramble' that ended up with mountaineering, bog dipping, blisters, a bruised toe and a twisted ankle. But your 60th year seems just about the right time to stand back and take stock - don't you think?

Who IS that Woman? AnnieAngel Aka AnnMackieMiller
by annieangel
The best place to start in a new environment is by introducing yourself. This page is intended to tell you a bit about the woman behind the pretentious names.
The Woman Behind the Names
AnnieAngel AKA AnnMackieMiller
It's a bit like your first day at school: you don't know anyone and no one knows you. My very first screen name was Angelstar which was quickly shortened to Angel. My given name is Ann, affectionately called Annie, and it wasn't long before the two were combined by online friends to AnnieAngel. The AnnMackieMiller bit? That is the official name (minus the spacing) which has become a bit of a trademark for my writing and photography now.
So who is she? I can tell you who I have been, indeed I wrote an article, An Interesting Life So Far on Squidoo, so here I will just give you the highlights.
Who am I now? That is a good question.
Who I am now
- Writer
- Photographer
- Complementary Health Therapist
- Home body
- Ex-wife
- Green warrior
- Poet
- Virtual Assistant
- Content writer and ghost writer
- Squidoo lensmaster
- Seller of Squidoo lenses
- Updating guru
Who I was
- State Registered nurse
- State Certified midwife
- Wife
- Librarian in Dubai
- Tour guide in Japan
- English teacher in Zambia
- Academic at University of St Andrews
- Tutor at University of Dundee
- Archivist in Dundee
- Nursing tutor in Zambia
- Therapist
- Writer - everywhere
The Writer and Photographer
From there to here
I've been writing since I was a child, poems and stories I read to my mum, one memorable win with a mystery play when I was 10. Everywhere I went, I wrote - not always well, but it has always been a compulsion. Writing defines who I am.
In recent years I have been writing for the internet. There are many content writer sites out there and these below are the ones I use regularly. I've tried others and not liked them much. The joy of writing for the internet is that it is immediate. There is no long wait for publishers or editors to get back to you. I did some freelance work for a while and found it so frustrating I would be tearing my hair out. But still I wrote.
It was only after gaining my honours degree from the University of St Andrews (4th in the league tables for UK universities) that I gave myself permission to think what I wrote could be as valid as something someone else wrote. For the first time I had the confidence to put my writing out there and allow it to be judged for itself. That is particularly true of my poetry since that seems to me to be a very personal kind of writing.
I have a huge array of interests from health related topics and nutrition to green living to history, travel and natural history. Of course I have a deep love of my country Scotland, even though I am not living there at present. All of this gives me a plethora of choice when it comes to writing.
In 2009 I picked up a digital camera for the first time and that has been my driving passion since then. Quite by accident when taking photos for a photography course I was doing, I discovered a fascination for birds, particularly wildfowl. (waterfowl). My camera is my constant companion as I go out and about and document bird behavior. Now, I combine my writing and my photography and hope the photo journals and diaries I produce make someone smile.
2012 = Virtual Assistant Time
venturing forward
All things change and here we are in 2012 and I have struck out in yet another direction.
As you know I also write for the content writing site Squidoo. Being British I was never very sure about the American market and let's face it, what makes money is selling products within the US. So in October 2011 I decided to buy some Squidoo lenses from another lensmaster pertaining to product sales.
I didn't like them, they didn't cost much but I didn't like them, they were too repetitive of other lenses being sold on the same topics so I decided to get rid of them from my portfolio by selling them on (for the same price I must say.) To my astonishment they all sold within minutes of my advertising them. Which of course made me stop and think and a new business venture was born.
I love writing, I love creating lenses on Squidoo the platform I am most familiar with. What I don't like (read = hate) is promoting them after they are made. So now I have the best of both worlds, I create as many Squidoo lenses as I like and sell them on - job done.
I love it. I make ready to go lenses are different prices to suit everyone's needs. All some people want is the basic structure done for them so they can concentrate on the creative side, others are more complete.
Learning from what I didn't like about those lenses I bought, I try never to duplicate what I've done before although obviously there is always going to be some overlap. I use keyword research - some basic for basic lenses and more for others and try to use them without 'keyword stuffing'.
I really LOVE being given a commission - someone asking for lenses on a particular topic or to fill a particular niche. Some folk give me the URL they have chosen and the keywords they want to work around, some allow me artistic freedom.
I also ghost-write content for articles and blogs though confess I tend to decline anything that involves geek. I'll always tell you upfront if it is something I can handle.
Recently I've added an updating service for Squidoo since that is so vital in maintaining rankings.
All my prices are reasonable if not as cheap as some, but then I think what I deliver is worth it. Part of my work involves improving lenses people have bought elsewhere and to say some shock me is an understatement. I'm an honest broker and I stand by my reputation of doing good work.
Squidoo Lenses For Sale
Squidoo Lenses for Sale
I make and sell Squidoo lenses. There are pre-made ones and I am delighted to take orders for custom made ones on any topic. If you need to fill a niche, I'm yar gal.
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Do you know AnnMackieMiller :)
Hubpages or Squidoo probably katiem -
thanks for taking the time to comment.
I know you look familiar, must be from HubPages. Anyway great to meet you here and WOW you have some very interesting content I have got to read. :)K
I agree that 60 is a good year to stand back and take stock. I am coming up to 61 in a couple of weeks. Life is good from this high up the mountain.
Thank you so much Sheilamarie - I've published some of my Scottish ones on Hubpages - http://annmackiemiller.hubpages.com/h...
others are on Triond but I warn you they are a bit dark to say the least LOL
Hi AnnieAngel! I don't know why I haven't seen you here before, but now I'm a fan. I loved reading some more about your life. Have you published any of your poems? Where can I find them?
:o) thanks for visiting everyone
Ah, so you went to the same University as a certain royal! I love your pictures and am so pleased to see you here on Wizzley :)
Nice to meet you! I love the picture of the little duckling. : )