Who Is 'The Writin' Cowboy'?

by TheWritingCowboy

Introducing your saddle pal and fellow writer, "The Writin' Cowboy."

I can't remember exactly when I started writing, but it was probably some time in my pre-teen years. Whenever we would have guests come to our home, I'd busily start creating a "show." I'd script it out, complete with songs and commercials - just like I'd seen on television. Yes, I'd act and - complete with song jingles - the commercials I'd seen for any number of products (even tobacco - e-gad!).

So I, and sometimes my cousins or friends, would conduct an entire show for the pleasure of my parents guests. I'm sure they loved it - well, at least we were cute back then.

Writing stayed with me and led to a degree in journalism and work in radio, newspapers, and television. Ultimately I landed in the public relations field where I worked for some 30 years. There I wrote for every conceivable purpose - news releases, publications, scripts, speeches - you name it, I wrote it.

During this time I kept my hand in the freelance writing field. Nothing grandiose, but something I saw as less work and more for my own pleasure. When the World Wide Web came along it opened up a whole new arena. I could actually publish my material (and without the heavy hand of editors - oops, sometimes I was the editor, but that' another story."

The Cowboy Part?

So, who is 'The Writin' Cowboy' part of my character? Well, at a young age my parents came out west - California - and settled. That was part of my western leanings because in the Golden State you don't travel far without running into some kind of equine activity.

But, more importantly for me was the time I spent glued to a television set whenever a cowboy show or movie came on. I was one of those kids that ate, drank, and dreamed about my heroes Roy Rogers, Gene Autry, John Wayne, et. al. It was through them that I took up horseback riding. It was through them that I gained my love of animals in general. And, it was through them that I found my love for the wide open spaces.

Now, I don't live in the wide open spaces now. Rather, I'm a resident of a very big city. But, my heart will always be where the horizon is an uncluttered vista unbroken by any skyscrapers, mini-mansions, shopping malls or freeways. And the majority of sounds are of nature. Perhaps one day that'll be my address.

Giving Assistance

When I'm not writing or working, I spend my time volunteering. I teach computer skills to senior citizens and I'm also a member of the local community emergency response team (CERT). I've completed a course in the local police department's civilian academy where residents are taught about police procedures. In addition, I'm a red cross volunteer.


Updated: 07/19/2014, TheWritingCowboy
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DerdriuMarriner on 04/06/2022

You mention that "But, my heart will always be where the horizon is an uncluttered vista unbroken by any skyscrapers, mini-mansions, shopping malls or freeways. And the majority of sounds are of nature."

Some people talk about states such as Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Nebraska, North and South Dakota and Wyoming as fitting the above bill. What places would you see as most offering natural scents, sights and sounds?

DerdriuMarriner on 08/07/2017

TheWritingCowboy, Welcome! Do you have audio-visual or written remains of those early shows complete with acting, commercials and songs?

Mira on 08/23/2014

Welcome to Wizzley, Norm!

WriterArtist on 07/26/2014

Welcome to the world of Wizzley. This is such a nice way to introduce yourself. I should have done it long ago, now it is in my pending list.

JoHarrington on 07/19/2014

It's lovely to get to know a little about you. Welcome to Wizzley. :)

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