Why Do You Write?

by Bcarter

When we are first starting out in our online career, it's easy to forget about why we write. It is my hopes that this article helps you get back on track.

Who Is Your Audience?

Decide before your start your writing

It doesn't matter if you are new to affiliate marketing or if you are veteran, sometimes you need to step back and think about your audience when you are writing online. Sometimes we get caught up in the money, whether we are making a lot or not, and sometimes we just plain old get stuck and forget what really got us to where we are in the first place. 

It is human nature to want to get to the endpoint (money, readers, traffic, etc.) with the least amount of work. However, if you sacrifice your audience, it will definitely show. 

Make sure you decide who your real audience is before you start writing. While making a sale may be your ultimate goal, you don't want this to show through in your writing. I have to admit that this is a mistake that I have made a lot over the years and that is why I'm still where I'm at today. During this phase, make sure you sit down and really think about what the person on the other end is searching for. If you title your article "How To Get My Husband To Pay Attention To Me", make sure you deliver something the reader can use in the article.

Keep Your Pitches Subtle

No one is going to click your "click here" link if you sell them too hard on the product or service. Instead, maybe put a text link here or a picture there and just a simple "buy" link at the bottom of your review. Remember, you are simply trying to help your reader make a decision. Always keep your readers experience in mind and be subtle. "Buy From Me" flashing links just do not work anymore.

I remember the first lens that I built about Big Crumbs, it's still around, but the lens was a real piece of crap back then. It was real obvious that I was trying to get people to sign up and that is still my goal, but In fact, it was borderline spam with all of my links to the site and you-rah-rah about the site. It have since re-written that lens and it still gets steady traffic today. Many people have used that lens to explain the entire idea a lot better than they could by linking to it. 

Always keep in mind that the reader came to you get answers about a problem they are having or to learn more information. If you are too pushy, they will leave.

Put Your Personality Into Your Writing

Even if you don't have any experience with the subject you are writing about, put yourself into the shoes of your reader. Don't be afraid to add your own personality into your writing. Think about the problem or product and put yourself into the reader's shoes. Then think about how you would react. 

Readers want to know there is an actual person behind the writing on the computer screen, not just some rehashed crap that they have read thousands of times over while they were searching for their answer.

Pick a Subject That You Enjoy

Even if you are not an expert in your subject, yet, your passion for your subject will shine through in your writing. As you learn more about your subject, your knowledge will shine through as well as your passion and that is a dangerous combination for your competitors, but it's great for you.

If you get bored with your current subject, move on to something else for the time being. I guarantee that your passion for your original subject will come back and in the meantime you are still being productive in your online business.

Don't Focus On The Money and Practice

The more you write, the better you will become at it, I guarantee it. There are times when I go back and read some of my articles and cringe thinking about the fact that I wrote it. So what, it can always be fixed.

The other point of this section and the biggest one I'd like to send you away with is to never focus on the money. It will come, as long as you keep at it. There are times you will become frustrated and want to give up, but I say don't. Keep learning and plugging away. No matter what you do, DON'T GIVE UP.

Why Do You Write?

Updated: 06/26/2011, Bcarter
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Bcarter on 06/14/2011

Yes, Big Crumbs is still around and going strong, paying me every month on the 15th of the month. Thank you for stopping by, I hope the tips help you out in the very near future.

Bcarter on 06/12/2011

I think that remembering your audience is one of the most difficult lessons to learn when starting out writing online and making money. It's also an easy one to forget after you have been in the business for a while.

Thank you for the comment,

Michey on 06/12/2011

I agree with you 100%, the audience, our readers are very important part of the business strategy, and some time must be devoted to them.
Thanks for a useful post

sandyspider on 06/09/2011

Great information on writing. I have always enjoyed writing. It was one of my choices for a career before deciding on Architecture.

Bcarter on 06/08/2011

Thanks Chef. It's an honor to receive a comment like that from you, I appreciate it.


chefkeem on 06/08/2011

Thanks for this excellent article about online marketing and content creation. Why do you write?...a very important question. I love your remark about "rehashing crap". We're still seeing way too much of it.

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