It’s the New Year and the time to make resolutions. That’s great but most people give up on them by the end of January. The problem is lack of planning. Whether you have goals for Wizzley, to lose weight, or you just want to save up some money in time for Christmas, you need to plan ahead. It gives you a direction, and helps you stick to your New Year resolutions. Here are some ways that planning ahead will help you.

Why You Need to Plan to Stick to Your New Year Resolutions
Many people make New Year resolutions, but most of those fail after January. If you want to avoid being one of those failures, you need to plan. Here are the reasons why.
Setting Out That Big Goal Into Smaller Ones
Don't let that big daunting goal make you scared to keep going.
So you have a goal to lose 100lbs by the end of the year. It’s achievable but it does not seem it right away. Be honest with yourself. If you kept looking at that big figure the whole year, would you really stick to your New Year resolution? Probably not! Planning ahead gives you the chance to set out your big goals into smaller ones.
That 100lbs can be broken down into monthly goals of 8-9lb per month. Now that seems a little more doable. Want it broken down by the week? It’s just short of 2lb per week. That’s even a healthy weight loss and easier to keep off in the long run. You can already see that it really is achievable.
Setting out smaller goals will give you more focus, and make the resolution seem less daunting. You’re more likely to stick to it in the long run.
Giving You Something to Celebrate Along the Way
Celebrate your successes and achievements to enjoy your journey and fulfill your New Year resolutions.
Sticking with the weight loss analogy, if you had the 100lbs by the end of the year, that’s one thing to celebrate, but it’s a long journey to get there. Think about it; there are 52 weeks in the year. You’re going to have some ups and downs, and you can lose motivation. Without a plan and those smaller goals, will you really stick to your resolution?
When you plan ahead, you can set some milestones along the way. These milestones give you something to celebrate as you go, so you will feel proud of yourself and see that you really are chipping away at that resolution. Once you reach one milestone, your focus moves to the next one. You will want to reach it, just so you can feel the sense of pride and accomplishment again.
The milestones don’t have to be directly linked to your resolution either. When it comes to weight loss, consider clothes sizes as your goals to celebrate, or reaching a healthy BMI.
Looking Back at the Things that Worked
Looking back really helps to track your successes, your downfalls, and keep you on track to reach your goals.
Planning also means tracking. This is another way to help you stick to your New Year resolution. When you track, you can track your ups and downs, your thoughts and feelings, and really anything that you want to keep yourself accountable. By getting yourself into a routine, you will find it easier and it makes you want to keep going to the end.
Tracking gives you the benefit of looking back. There are times you’ll hit a bad patch, and you will start to lose motivation. If you don’t track, you could give up. By tracking, you can look back at your journey and see the things that have worked, those that haven’t, and remind yourself of how far you have come. This is a really good motivator, whatever your New Year resolutions are.
Making Sure You Have Everything You Need
It doesn't matter what your resolution is, you will need certain things to succeed. But do you know what they are?
Finally, planning will help make sure you have everything you could possibly need. If you’re losing weight, it will help you have all the right food in. If you’re saving money, it will help you make sure you have the right savings accounts and processes to do the job. No resolution can be met if you don’t have the right tools, products or services.
Each month, your needs may change. It is worth keeping your plans relatively open, especially if you want to plan for the whole year. You may find a specific type of exercise isn’t as fun as you thought, or you may find that your financial situation changes. Just the smallest change can affect your plan, as it affects the things you need to keep going. However, at least by having a plan, you can easily make the changes and get back on track.
Setting Clear Steps to Get There
Now you have the goals and things you need, you need to know how to succeed
Simply knowing where you want to go and what you need to get there isn't enough. Planning also gives you the benefit of setting out clear steps to help you along the way. Going back to the weight loss resolution, you know that you need to lose 2lb a week to get to the 100lb goal, and you need to plan the right food and exercise to get there. However, what steps are you going to take now that you have all that?
Planning gives you the chance to set out a daily routine to stick to, or a monthly regime to help you reach your resolution. In the case of weight loss, it tells you how much exercise you need to do and when you need to do it, while setting out the type of food you will eat and when.
In short,it takes out all the guessing for how you will succeed at meeting your New Year resolution.
So, plan for your New Year resolutions. It doesn’t need to be elaborate. A mind map on the wall, a diary that you carry around with your, or a full blog documenting your journey could work. The trick is to find something that works specifically for you. If you don’t like seeing the words written down, trying drawing pictures or finding another method that helps you plan. Remember to plan though. Once you do, you will have more chance of succeeding to meet your goals.
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I remember not planning my blog posts and just writing when it came to me--or when I decided it had been long enough. Needless to say, it didn't go very well at all. I did the Ultimate Blog Challenge in July to help me boost my blog, but it did more than that. It taught me just how valuable planning is and I've stuck to that since. I've been applying the same thing to Wizzley (and other sites) lately and it's helped too.
I've seen many people do the planning and tracking with blogs: a post a day about what he/she achieved that day for instance. Or a post a week. So I'm happy you mentioned that as well because it does seem to work.
I love that, Abby! It's so true but I never thought of putting it that way.
That's a great resolution, cmoneyspinner, and one definitely easier to stick to. Thanks for sharing :)
Funny. My husband asked me the other day if I had any New Year's resolutions. I told him my resolve is always the same every year. "Stay faithful 'til death in order to receive a crown of life." I never any problems sticking to it. Great Wizzle. I'll be sharing it. :)
This is great advice. Sometimes when a task seems too big to handle, we just give up because it seems impossible. You can't climb a mountain without taking one step at a time!
Kathleen, I do the exact same when it comes to cleaning. One room and one section within it at a time. :) It wouldn't get done if I looked at the whole picture!
Great tips! I so agree about not concentrating on the massive big picture... Might sound silly but when I have lots of cleaning to do I have the same attitude. I find its best not to look at the whole thing, but start in one corner and just work round.... :)
You make a really good point about breaking down your big goal into smaller ones.