My name is Angela Clarke Pearson. Most people call me Angel and have since I was a little girl. I think I must have been such a little Angel as a child they started calling me that. I am sure my mother changed her mind as I got older! I am married with four wonderful children. I am a new stay at home mom and a new online writer.
A High Class Hill Billy
I was born and raised in South Hill, Virginia. A little town very close to the North Carolina line. I have a deep southern accent. Everyone who meets me asks me where I am from. My husband thinks it is hilarious. I have been told it sounds like a Tennessee accent. Not sure why. I think it is just a unique South Hill accent. If you have ever been to South Hill you would know what I am talking about!
I have an Associates Degree in Electronics Technology from Southside Virginia Community College. I also have an Electrical Engineering Degree from Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia. I have worked in the Power Generation Industry for 20 years. That basically means that I was either an engineer or sales engineer for engine generator sets that back up power to commercial facilities. Data Centers was a huge market for me and spent most of my time working in that area.
- The Band Kiss – I dress up like Gene Simmons every year for Halloween!
- Loud Rock n Roll Music
Good Food
Makeup – I am a Mary Kay Beauty Consultant.
Socializing with people
Spending time with my family
Shoes – I am a shoe freak! I have too many pairs to count.
- Rude people
Dancing - I look like Elaine from Seinfeld trying to dance!
Clint Eastwood Movies (not sure why)
Negative people
Northern Virginia traffic
I have four children all under the age of 12. My two oldest children have ADHD. One also has Oppositional Defiant Disorder and Bipolar along with his ADHD. Things are pretty interesting around our home. It takes a lot of my mental energy to manage things around the house and keep order in the house. I am constantly educating myself on ADHD and ways to improve how we do things around our home to make it easier for all of us. It is a challenge but I wouldn't change a thing. All of my children are wonderful and each are unique in their own way. My husband works in the same industry that I just quit. He is also an electrical engineer and has his Professional Engineers License for the state of Virginia.
I also started writing in October 2011 along with starting my new career as a stay at home mom. I discovered Hubpages in October 2011 and write there regularly. I just recently discovered Wizzley and am very impressed with it so far. I really enjoy writing and make a point to do it every day. I am also starting to figure out ways to make money with all of it. I know it won't be anytime soon that I will see any of that money but I hope to be successful at this one day. All things with keywords, SEO, back linking, and affiliate marketing are on my mind.
I have started a blog that is very new and I am learning as I go with it. It will be about living with ADHD children and suggestions and tips for the same.
I have always loved to write. In my career I would write many proposals and technical documents every day. Not many engineers enjoyed that part of the job like I did. I have thought many times that I would love to publish a novel. About what I am not sure. I am sure something will come to me at some point. I am sure it will be fiction if it happens. I enjoy a good creative story.
I enjoy reading so many great articles here on Wizzley. I like to leave comments so that the author knows someone has read their material. I am so impressed with everything I read. It amazes me how smart all of you Wizzley people are. I really have learned so much from the tutorial articles so keep them coming. Please do not ever hesitate to let me know where I can improve. I welcome suggestions and comments. If you see something that can be done better or that is just plain wrong, please let me know. Otherwise, I will be here writing like a crazy woman and learning all I can along the way.
Angel's Work on Hubpages
Should You Medicate Your Child for ADHD
My decision making process on medicating my children for ADHD.
Lupus - A Silent Disease
A description of the disease and the symptoms. Includes the story of my best friend who is living with the disease every day.
Where Are The Women In Engineering and Technology Fields
Discusses the lack of females in the Engineering and Technology fields.
Oppositional Defiant Children
My experience living with an Oppositional Defiant Child. Overview of symptoms and possible treatments.
Parenting - The Hardest Thing I Have Ever Done
Explains parenting from my point of view and how it is the hardest job I have ever done.
Angel's Work On Wizzley
St. Patrick's Day - Green Festive Apparel
Green festive clothing and accessories for St. Patrick's Day. All in an effort to not get pinched!
Birthstones By Month - Modern Birthstones
An overview of Modern Birthstones by month.
The Evil Eye
All about what the Evil Eye means in certain cultures and how to protect yourself and family from it.
Organization and Time Management for ADHD Children
How to organize life at school and home for your ADHD child.
One Big Girl
My Blog Project
One Big Girl
A new blog I am working on about fashion for the woman with curves. I had orignially started the blog about ADHD children but just recently changed gears since being a Big Girl really has nothing to do with ADHD! I will get all of this figured out soon and can't wait to see my end product. Take a look and feel free to make suggestions!
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That is so great to hear frugalrvers! Some days I wonder what I am doing. But most days I really enjoy this and I feel like one day it will pay off. I know it takes time and I still have a lot to learn. I am all for learning so that is not a big deal. I have learned so much already from people like you here on Wizzley. Thank you so much for reading and commenting.
Great to meet you, Angel - look forward to getting to know you better. No matter what the experts say (though I'm not rich, so maybe don't put too much into my words...haha) write about what you are passionate about, write it in your own voice, be real...and the money will follow in time. Now that I've found my rhythm, everything I write is 100% pure, goofy me...take care!
Thank you Jewelsofawe! I did really like your sunflower page. Beautiful work. I wish I could take photos like that. Thanks so much for reading and commenting.
Nice to meet you! Great make up in the Mary Kay photo and the Kiss photo! I love how you did this page. Thanks for coming by my sunflower page!
Thanks so much Katie... You are making me blush! I am glad to have met you and yes... here is to a long prosperous friendship! Let me know who you are over on HP if you still write there so I can make sure I am following you. I will send you a note in case you don't come back to this message..LOL...
P.S. Great to see the real you, you are beautiful.
What an interesting read, love it, so glad you wrote your's. I love playing with make up, it's such fun. Your Gene make-up is very impressive. I now remember you from hp, very glad to have you here. The tools and options are fantastic. Looking forward to a long prosperous friendship. Voting up as I do all of your work. See Ya Round :) Katie
Jimmie - Yeah... most people do like the MK look a little better than the Gene Simmons look.. LOL.. I am a little crazy and it comes out on Halloween. My only chance to be a nut. Thank you so much for reading and commenting.
Wow. I like the Mary Kay look better. :-) But I would have NEVER guessed they were both you. Thanks for the peek into your life.
Thank you MuminBusiness! Yes... busy I am. I need all the help I can get with this writing online adventure. Thanks for reading and commenting.