Work at Home, Make Money From Home

by pawpaw

Making money from home is a dream that many people have. I'm here to tell you it's not a dream. I make money from home, and you can too.

You probably heard of people who make money from home, on their computers. If you have ever wondered how they do it, I'm here to tell you how. I make money online every day. Not just some days, but every day.

Here I will list a number of ways that I make money at home, and give a few pointers on how you can make money at home too.


I have been on Blogger for several years now. Blogger is pretty easy to use, once you get started, it can be a lot of fun.

Once you have your blog up and running, you can also "monetize" it. When you choose to monetize your blog, Google will begin posting ads on your blog, and if they generate any income, it is yours. Don't even think about clicking on your own ads though, because that can get your account shut down.

Join Me On Wizzley

Well, it should be obvious to you by now, that one way I make money online, is by writing on Wizzley.  

Wizzley allows people to write articles (like this one), for free, and if the page/article generates income, then you make money.

The basic way Wizzley works, is that Wizzley runs ads on their pages, and those ads are what makes money for Wizzley, and those who write on Wizzley.

For Wizzley, you will need an adsense account. Wizzley runs ads for you half the time, and ads for themselves half the time. You can also make money by using modules that Wizzley make available, such as   

Another very neat way to make money on Wizzley, is with their referral program. If you refer a person you will get 10% of their page impressions, and they won't lose a thing, because the 10% comes out of Wizzley's share.

I'm starting to make more pages on Wizzley, and the more I use it, the more I like it. For people who have a hard time finding photos for their online pages, they have a very convenient Flickr module, and once you get to the way the modules and page layout works, it kinda grows on you.. 

It is very easy to sign up for Wizzley, and if you haven't already, now would be a good time.   


Writing on Multiple Sites, Backlinking Made Easy

If you have ever tried to promote a website, or blog, you know how time consuming trying to get quality backlinks can be. Writing on multiple sites goes a long way in solving that problem.

Most people have certain subjects they like to write about. For instance, let's say you wrote 3 articles on WWII history, on 3 different sites. If you wrote another WWII article on a fourth site, then you could place backlinks to the previous three articles, in your new article. And then you could go back and edit the other articles, and add backlinks to the new article on those pages. By interlinking the 4 articles, you created 12 quality backlinks to your own material.

Google has recently tweaked some of their algorithms, but quality backlinks, from more than one domain, should always be helpful to your page rank. 

I know that everyone has their favorite site, or blog to write on, but if you spread out your work, you can form a web of interlinking content, that can increase your page rank, and lead to more traffic to all your pages. And if something bad happens to one of the sites, it won't be such a disaster.  

As you can see, I write on Wizzley, but I also write on Blogger, as well as a few other online sites. 


If you like to make videos, YouTube can be another great way to make money at home from your computer.

Like anything else, it takes time, but if it is something you enjoy doing anyway, it won't seem like work. Once you have been on YouTube awhile, they allow you to monetize your videos. I don't make a lot of money on YouTube, but I had the videos already on there, and I figured they might as well be making me some money.

If you make a little here, and a little there, it will all add up in time.


The Two Ps

There are two words which begin with the letter P, that sum up advice I would give to people who are just starting out trying to make money online. 

Those two words are patience, and perseverance.

You need patience, because you aren't going to make a ton of money overnight. It will take time and effort. But the sooner you start, the sooner you will reach your goals.

The key is to stay focused, and don't get too discouraged if you don't see results right away, and that is where the other P word....perseverance comes in. 

If you decide to make money online, I wish you all the best.

Updated: 09/19/2014, pawpaw
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pawpaw on 05/01/2013

Thanks. Diversification is a good thing.

PeggyHazelwood on 05/01/2013

Great ideas for earning online.

belinda342 on 10/14/2012

Great tips! I totally agree that if you really want to make it online, diversification is the key. Too many times people have trusted one site as their sole online income source only to have it taken away in one swoop. All those months (sometimes years) of work simply gone...or at least no longer producing income.

Writing for several sites can keep that from happening. And the backlinking idea is absolutely true. You really do want to give your writing every possible chance to be seen. Interlinking articles and pages can really help.

MuminBusiness on 05/04/2012

Nice summary of ways to make money. As a new beginner at this online world, I can use all the tips anyone gives. Thanks

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