While many people across the United States are openly mocking Wyoming state representative David Miller for sponsoring a bill to protect Wyoming in the event that the Federal government cannot, I have to admit that I've been secretly pleased with him. You see, Wyoming has always played an important role in my own survivalist strategy. I only hope that any plan - that the Task Force charged with ensuring Wyoming's survival crafts - won't bar any refugees from the state of Massachusetts from landing there in an emergency. So why is there so much mockery Rep. Miller's Bill No. 85? I honestly went to read the actual language of the bill expecting to find a crackpot idea. I did not. So if you do fear for the future of this country and its Federal government, Wyoming might just be the perfect place for you to retire. Of course, you don't have to be retired, you can want to protect a young family as well.

Wyoming - One of the Best Places to Retire for Survivalists
by Nelda_Hoxie
Wyoming state legislators are considering the protection of the residents of their state if the Federal Government cannot. It could become one of the safest places to retire.
Wyoming House Bill 85 Doomsday Scenarios
- The rapid collapse of the U.S. currency requires the state of Wyoming to create a new currency.
- The potential impact of a Federal government that can't control the US citizenry. I'm thinking widespread riots and anarchy.
- The potential impact of a constitutional crisis. House Bill 85 does not elaborate. So far we've had Nixon's Saturday Night Massacre and Clinton's Monica Lewinsky.
The task force will also be charged with setting up a strategy for the coordination between the Governor's office / Wyoming National Guard and any Federal troops stationed in the state during a crisis. Of course food and energy are always a concern and and House Bill 85 requires the Task Force to prepare for a disruption in both.
The task force membership will include two state senators, two state representatives, the director of homeland security, the attorney general, the adjutant general, the director of the department of agriculture, the director of the oil and gas conservation commission.
I think some of the bad press has come from the fact that before the representatives would allow Bill 85 to move forward they deleted a provision that would have considered a navy and aircraft carrier for Wyoming.
Nestled safely in the US Interior
Mega-Tsunami East Coast Threat
For those of you who might not know just where Wyoming is, take a look on the map above. The marker to the left is Wyoming. The marker to the right is Cape Cod, Massachusetts, where I live. Don't get me wrong. I love living near the beach. BUT.... Well have you ever heard of Cumbre Vieja. That's a volcanic ridge. Yep. That's the marker to the far right. There are theories that propose that when an eruption causes a large chunk of this to fall into the ocean, it will create a mega-tsunami. The southern coast of England will be destroyed in 3.5 hours. I get about six hours to get out of Dodge on the east coast. Quite frankly I won't be the only one looking for higher ground. It will affect the entire East Coast from New England to Washington DC and beyond. Do you honestly think people will tell the senators and representatives, you first? No, it's not just a rapid decline in the value of the dollar that could cause civil unrest and take out our Federal government. My money is on Mother Nature.
Who is Wyoming Representative David Miller
Rep. Miller is originally from Chillicothe, Maryland and was born in 1953. He has a BS from the University of Missouri, graduating in 1975. He is a geologist (hmm I wonder what he thinks about Cumbre Vieja?) and resides in Riverton, Wyoming. Miller has represented District 55 since 2001. He is a Republican.
Who Else is Sponsoring House Bill 85?
There are 60 members of the Wyoming House of Representatives - Miller plus 9 other representatives are co-sponsoring this bill.
- Donald E. Burkhart, Jr. (R. Carbon County), John Carroll University - BS Phsyics, 1970
Safety Engineer. Voted against requiring drug tests for certain welfare recipients and recognizing gay marriages from other states. - Kathy Davison (R. Lincoln, Sublette, Sweetwater), Retired County Commissioner
Grandmother of 9. Recent votes include voting against recognizing same-sex marriages from other states. - Amy Edmonds (R. Laramie), BA University of Wyoming, Married. Born in 1970. Voted against statewide indoor smoking ban and in favor of letting counties opt out of smoking ban.
- Allan Jaggi (R. Sweetwater, Unita), Utah State University, BA Wildlife Management 1968
Retired Science Teacher. Voted against a tenant rights in domestic and sexual violence cases. Voted in favor of deadly force in self defense. - Kendell Kroeker (R. Natrona) University of Colorado, BS Business Management, 1995
Owner Casper Mountain Motorsports. Voted against recognizing same-sex marriages from other states. - Robert McKim (R. Lincoln) Brigham Young University, BS 1971, Member of the Lions Club, Chamber of Commerce, and two educational foundations. Voted against recognizing same-sex marriages from out-of-state
- Frank Peasley (R. Converse, Platte) University of Wyoming and grandfather of 16. Voted against recognizing out-of-state same-sex marriages.
- Lorraine Quarberg (R. Bighorn, Hot Springs, Park) Economic Development Consultant, Grandmother of 4. Voted against recognizing same-sex marriages from other states.
- Matt Teeters (R. Goshen, Platte) University of Wyoming. 2011-2012 House Majority Whip. Voted against recognizing out-of-state same sex marriages.
Retirement Communities in Wyoming
Yes you can retire to Wyoming, nestled safely in the interior away from tsunamis.
- Sublette Center, A Non-Profit Organization
333 N. Bridger. P.O. Box 788. Pinedale, WY 82941
Studio Apartment start at $650/month - The Powder Horn Golf Community
161 State Highway 335, Sheridan, Wyoming 82801
Homes start at $335,000 and range upwards to $1.18 million - Sheridan, Wyoming Assisted Living and Retirement Communities
1551 Sugarland Drive, Sheridan, WY 82801
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This may be the best kept secret get a way for those of us who'd just a soon be left alone, I have a duel personality, I love all the moving and shaking technology of today's busy world and yet the writer in me often wants to disappear and become invisible. Wyoming sounds pretty good. By the time I'm ready to retire to my obscure writing I'm confident you will have helped me sort that out. Thanks enjoying the journey for now.
Not me. I'm just wondering if they'd shut down the Wyoming borders in an extreme crisis.