5 steps to get more traffic to your articles

by RobertKeith

If you want to earn more from your writing then this article is for you!

As an online writer, you don’t get paid when you write (Unless you’re doing freelance), but rather when people actually read your work. And unless people are finding and reading your work, it doesn’t matter if you’re producing the best material on the planet, you still won’t get paid accordingly. That’s why after 8 years as a digital marketer I’m sharing the exact system that I’ve developed to drive massive traffic to articles and content online.

Technique 1: Optimize your content got Google.

As writers we all know the basics of ‘SEO’. That is, write about a topic that people are looking for, make it long, make it good, and include some keywords in it.


And that is a great start - but it’s only a start.


You see, in order to rank highly in Google it’s all a links game, not a quality game. There is a direct corrolation between the site and page with the most links and those which rank the highest.


So the first step is to get great quality links to your pieces.


How do you do this? By writing on other platforms and linking to your ‘money pieces’, that is, the ones where you get paid the most.


For example the earnings here on Wizzley are great, so link from other places which don’t pay as well to your content on here, and it will rank better in Google.

If you have your own site then you can hire a link building company to do this all for you.

Step 2: Get a Social Following.

Viral content is the dream. But in reality its not easy, or common to produce. So instead you need to put in the hard effort to build a social following on the platform of your choice.

Now if I could give you one piece of advice its to focus on one platform, master it, and then focus on it. Whoever said you had to be everywhere is likely broke, or has a HUGE budget to pay others to do it for them.

Step 3: Capture Emails (If you can)

If you write for your own blog, then email capture is a critical part of you generating more money online. If you are only writing on other platforms like Wizzley then you can’t utilise this step.

Using an email pop up will help you get an optin rate of 1-3% of your readers, so that  when you next post a piece you can email them and open the money taps (Literally).

Updated: 08/25/2016, RobertKeith
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