6 Best YouTube Cover Songs

by NateB11

I like watching YouTube covers of some of my favorite songs. In fact, here are 6 of my favorties!

The beauty of the Internet is that, as long as you have access to an Internet connection, you can send your message to the world, show your talents to the public, and even get paid for doing it and become well-known. The Internet, to a great extent, has taken much of the elitism out of so-called commercial ventures in Entertainment and writing. It's more based on your talent and whether you touch on something that the public enjoys or relates to.

YouTube, of course, is no exception. People, who happen to have a web cam or other video camera, have been able to freely display their talents to the world, not hindered by the need to have "connections" or to impress a panel of judges. The world is the judge. And your talent is the deciding factor. Comedy, music, tutorials and various product reviews and marketing ventures are allowable on YouTube and many people make a living on their YouTube videos and the hard work they put into producing them. All of this without needing much capital, if any: Possibly the most democratic market in the world, this Internet thing.

So, I thought I'd present what I've seen as some of the best cover songs on YouTube, from some of the best artists I've come across on the site.

Featured image: By KirkStauffer (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)], via Wikimedia Commons

Gnarls Barkley Cover | Crazy Violin

As if the original Gnarls Barkley song wasn't ethereal and Zen enough, talented violinist Jimmy Chaos took it to another level of "other-worldly". He truly makes that violin sing, enough to take the mind to that other dimension Cee-Lo is talking about. True virtuoso.

Haddaway Cover | What Is Love?

I love how YouTube performers add their own elements to a song to give it a special flavor and feeling that you might not have attributed to the song before they covered it. What is Love by Haddaway was a mega-hit in the clubs, and made even more famous through Saturday Night Live skits and a big movie called Night at the Roxbury. But why not add a country element to the song and use some incredible guitar skill to boot? It gives the song even more of a romantic sensibility and a feeling of deep yearning and heart-ache.

YouTube user LetET2010, made up of a guitar-playing duo, did justice to that old club classic.

Journey Cover | Don't Stop Believin'

It's a Cindafella story. Struggling singer from the Philippines, Arnel Pineda, had some YouTube videos of him covering Journey classics. Turns out the guy is a powerhouse in terms of his voice and the band Journey took notice. They loved his singing so much, after discovering him on YouTube, that they asked him to join the band. What's incredible is how completely touching the story is, how the Journey band members really love this guy and how happy Arnel is with his new-found success and new famous friends. Great story, great singer.

Elvis Presley Cover | Can't Help Falling in Love

Mree has a sweet and powerful voice and she is also a very beautiful woman, seemingly destined to be a world-wide hit if enough people would take notice: And they did indeed take notice. Starting from her YouTube account uploading covers and original songs, playing her guitar and using her tender yet resounding voice, she eventually released an album, went on tour and became famous. But it's not hard to see why.

Demi Lovato Cover | Skyscraper

An already powerful song, full of tragedy and hope and pure unapologetic sorrow and pain, Johnoy Danao added his own sensibility to the song. With his tender rendition of the song, he seemed he was crumbling even more than Demi when he was singing, as much as he was rising: His vulnerability shines through and the song ends up sounding as much like a plea for tenderness as it is a declaration of strength and endurance.

Make You Feel My Love

A song originally by Bob Dylan, it became a popular cover song, sung by Trisha Yearwood and Garth Brooks, Adele and many others. YouTube User anjex3 truly did the song justice with her guitar skills and her gorgeous voice. This cover is truly my favorite, sung by a strikingly beautiful woman whose voice truly reaches right into the heart.

Which One is Your Favorite?

Of course, I know I left some people out, there's a whole lot of talented people on YouTube, and I'm sure you have some favorites. But these have been the ones I've enjoyed consistently over the years, though I have some more artists on my list of favorites, for sure. The great thing is, the list can get longer and longer due to the fact that we have so many opportunities and so much freedom on the Internet. Can't wait to see more artists come along to enrich our lives with their talents and art.

Arnel Pineda joined famous rock group Journey after being discovered by the band on YouTube.
Arnel Pineda joined famous rock group Journey after being discovered by the band on YouTube.
By Phey Palma (Arnel Pineda of Journey - Teaser) [CC-BY-2.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0)], via Wikimedia Commons

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Updated: 07/09/2020, NateB11
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