Spa Treatments from Home – Eye Puffiness
by Angel
Eyes can get tired and puffy. Try some of this spa treatments at home to reduce puffiness and minimize bags under eyes.
Spa Treatments for Your Eyes
I have used these spa treatments for years and have had good luck with them. Some of them are my grandmother's old home remedies that she passed along to me. I am not sure if there is anything other than my experience to back up any of these remedies. My eyes have always felt refreshed and looked a lot better after using them. Give them a try and let me know what you think.
Chamomile Tea Bags
Pour boiling water over at least two chamomile tea bags. Let steep in a bowl for 20 minutes. Drain water off and place tea bags into a plastic freezer bag filled with ice. Let sit for at least and hour. Remove tea bags, lay back, and place on eyes. Let sit for 20 minutes. Relax and enjoy the experience.
For a morning wake me up, leave the bowl of tea bags in the refrigerator all night. Wake up and place tea bags on your eyes as soon as you get up. This will really wake you up!
My grandmother always told me that chamomile had an anti-inflammatory characteristic. I have read that it really does not. So I am not sure exactly what this little remedy actually does other than feeling really good and smelling great. It seems to help with my puffiness and redness. Especially when doing it in the morning.
Cold Spoons
This is one that she was especially proud to tell me about. She thought it was a "hoot" to put cold spoons on your eyes. We would lay back on the sofa and talk about how good the spoons felt on our eyes. When I do it now, it feels so relaxing to have the cold metal against my eye lids. It refreshes your eyes and reduces puffiness. Give it a try.
Grab a couple of teaspoons out of the kitchen drawer. Throw them in the freezer. Let sit overnight.
In the morning when you wake up, grab the spoons out of the freezer. Lay back on your bed or sofa and let the spoons lay on your eyes for at least 20 minutes. Unbelievable feeling.
Cold Cucumbers
As a kid, the thought of putting cucumbers on my eyes was crazy. I would giggle the entire time. For some reason, the spoons made more sense than the cucumbers!
Cut a cucumber into ½ inch slices. Refrigerate overnight.
Grab a couple of slices and place them on your eyes for at least 20 minutes. Good stuff!
I always get better results when doing these remedies in the morning. My eyes tend to be red and puffy when I wake up in the morning and it is the best time to remedy them.
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I am so into convenience. Most of these things we already have in our home. I like to go out and get a spa treatment as a treat every now and again. But to keep me going in between, I use things I can make from home. Thanks for reading and commenting.
I love all these fab spa treatments for home, now I don't need to leave the house as goodness knows I love beauty treatments I can use on a regular basis.