A Day with Nary the Impression
by bobsimpson
What a roller coaster ride we had before the great Google Panda came foraging through our web sites.
Run for the hills. It's not a Panda. It's a big ol fat SKUNK!
![]() A day with Nary the Impression |
What a roller coaster ride we had before the great Google Panda came foraging through our web sites. We were getting comments and tons of traffic, even though our total earnings hovered at one nickel and holding.
There were accolades to win and followers to be led. There were top earning success stories with their blue-filled linked-out articles, slaves to E-Bay, Amazon, and Google.
There were the hours on forums, all of us contemplating what the HubDogs were doing or formulating or planning, while we tried to anticipate HubPages’ bidding, never really knowing what it was.
Several times we tossed a new Hubber into a fiery volcano, but the newbie Hubber was always rejected with a note saying “Content not appropriate.”
We were often soothed from the glitches and delays by management’s kind words such as “We are working on it.”
We would all swoon at the statement and say to ourselves, “Golly, they really do care about us.”
Those were some good times but we can’t go back even though there are experts that say we should leave our Hubs alone, let them age, and just link to them. But I know better.
My page impressions are down to 2 or 3 a week since I started weaning Hubs away. I know that HubPages is watching me. I think the car that just drove through my neighborhood was filled with HubPage lackeys with cameras and recording equipment.
Oh No. The HubPage car turned around and is parked in front of my house. There are several suited scoundrels sauntering up the sidewalk and they are carrying what appears to be a very large eraser.
A Day with Nary the Impression
A full day with nary the Impression
leads me to an ebon depression.
Hampered by a Renaissance Fair fear
That only a beige pony will appear,
A knight astride with a flaccid lance.
My hero dismounts and starts to prance.
Who is he really here to save?
Me or his gorgeous buffed-up knave.
I want some help; maybe phone a friend
To make this dry spell come to an end.
But I fear my accomplice would be caught
Then my hubbing career would be for naught.
11 pm, my one day count is zero.
There will be no aid coming from any hero.
New tags have been added; I even changed a title.
I have added photos and suggested links so vital.
11:59 PM a soul is snared by my pithy Hubs
Perhaps returning early from hitting all the pubs.
Look there is a comment, I wonder who it’s from?
The comment says it all, “Great Hub. Love ya, Mum.”
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Ah, the zero days. Sometimes it seems there are too many of them. I hope things are looking up!
The poem was great. Hope you get more impressions than "nary" real time soon.