Abington Fireballs - UFOs, Meteors or Hoax in the Bridgwater Triangle

by Nelda_Hoxie

Abington is the northern tip of the mysterious Bridgewater Triangle in southeastern Massachusetts. For hundreds of years mysterious fireballs have been reported in the region.

An Abington writer is the most recent person to report seeing fireballs in the Bridgewater Triangle. She was seeing them so frequently that she took to carrying her camcorder. Kristin Good uploaded her video on January 14, 2014. The fireballs appeared after midnight and she began filming. All she states in her YouTube comments is that they are definitely not planes. She has no idea of what they could be.

A video taken by an anonymous couple showing UFOs over Abington surfaced in October 2013. Both videos have been placed side by side for you to review. You can decide for yourself whether or not they show the same phenomenon - or any phenomena at all.

I live on Cape Cod quite close to the area. The dancing nature of the lights make them very different from meteors that I've seen during the Perseid meteor showers. The meteors just zip by and disappear very quickly. The people who take these videos observe the same display for minutes at a time.

Kristin Good Video

January 2014

Anonymous Couple Video

October 2013

What is the Bridgewater Triangle

Paranormal Investigaotrs Say It's One of the Most Active Areas in the United States

The Bridgewater Triangle is a modern name for an area that has been reporting paranormal events since pre-colonial times. Native Americans reported pukwudgies, giant birds and evil spirits. Pukwudgies are small beings that resemble short people with big eyes. They can appear and disappear on will, take on the appearance of lights, and might even push people to their death. Modern reports now include fireballs, UFOs, and black helicopters. There is even a red-haired ghostly hitchhiker than terrorizes drivers.

Where is the Bridgewater Tirangle

Abington, Rehoboth, and Freetown form the Corners of the Bridgwater Triangle
It is Located Southwest of Boston, Massachusetts
It is Located Southwest of Boston, Massachusetts

Colonial Reference to Fireballs

Could It Have Been a Meteor?

The first European reference to this activity is found in The Gentleman’s Magazine. The event occurred on May 10, 1760 at 10am. It is often quoted as proof that UFOs or fireballs have been visiting the Bridgewater Triangle area for hundreds of years 

It's frustrating that most paranormal speakers or writers don't take the time to find the reference and discuss what was actually written. Gentleman's Magazine describe it as a large meteor and give it's direction. The noise could have been the meteor striking the earth.

At no time is there any reference to a terrifying experience that would lead someone to believe that the person witnessed a paranormal phenomenon or visitors from another world. They question the direction of the sighting and the noise. 

Orginal Text from Gentleman's Magazine

Meteor or Mysterious Fireball

No. III. An account of a meteor and whirlwind in New England. The meteor was seen on the 10th of May, 1760, about ten o’clock in the morning, at Roxbury, a town joining to Boston: It was a ball of fire, about five inches diameter, drawing a train of light after it; it was of a white brightness, and cast a shade in strong sunshine. We are told it was seen in the South-East, but that it moved parallel to the horizon from the North-East to the South-West. It seems strange that the quarter from which it moved should not be the same as that where it was seen. Such, however, is the relation, as published by the committee. This meteor is said to have produced a noise, which filled a circle of eighty miles diameter, of which Bridgewater was...

Interpreting Old Texts

Here is one example of how paranormal writers place their spin on what happened in 1760. It's taken from a page entitled, "The Bridgewater Triangle." 

"The first documented UFO sighting in the Bridgewater Triangle took place on May 10, 1760. At 10 o'clock that morning, a "sphere of fire" was observed over New England. According to historical records, the UFO emitted light bright enough to cast a shadow in bright sunlight."

For this one writer, that paragraph was clearly a UFO. It is possible that the same conditions that created the fireballs in the YouTube videos existed in 1760. UFO means Unidentfied Flying Object. It doesn't immediately mean that an alien space ship was visiting.

Secrets of the Bridgewater Triangle

There's More Happening that Just Lights There
Ghosts of the Bridgewater Triangle

Hunting Marfa Lights

Marfa, TX has Mysterious Lights and This Author Figured Out Their Cause, At Least 97% of Them.
Hunting Marfa Lights
The Marfa Lights
VASTFIRE 350 Yard Green Hunting Light Zoomable Flashlight Hog Preda...

Mysterious Fireball Seen Near Toronto, Ontario

Not all Occur at Night, Always Give Date, Location and Time to Ease Verification

Is This What They Saw in 1760?

A Day Time Meteor....Or?

The above video reminded be of the description that was give in Gentleman's Magazine. There was no mention of sound though. People who watched the video on YouTube were frustrated by the video maker's lack of information. They wanted the exact coordinates, time of day, and weather descriptions.

Even though we can see what the person was seeing, it's hard to evaluate it without out context. That said, we really have no idea of what was seen in 1760 and whether in can be linked to today's sightings.

Updated: 10/19/2014, Nelda_Hoxie
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Holistic_Health on 07/07/2016

I remember a documentary about UFO abduction in this area. Sounds like an interesting place to live.

Nelda_Hoxie on 12/25/2015

That's always my thoughts when I read about unexplained phenomena. It only takes one to change everything.

frankbeswick on 12/25/2015

I have heard of them, but I do not know much about them. However, I observe that an explanation of 98% leaves 2% unexplained, and that's where the difficulties lie and new ideas are necessary.

Nelda_Hoxie on 12/25/2015

Excellent. Are you familiar with the Marfa lights in Texas? I am reading a book that explains 98 percent of them.

frankbeswick on 12/25/2015

Type earthquake lights into your browser and you will get some interesting results.

Nelda_Hoxie on 12/24/2015

Really? I didn't know that. I'll have to do some research on that.

frankbeswick on 12/21/2015

Sometimes earth lights, glowing balls of light, are associated with seismic activity.

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