About AJ Godinho
by ajgodinho
This web page is an introduction of AJ Godinho (aka Anthony Godinho) who is a Human Resources professional, stock market Trader and Entrepreneur.
About Me: AJ Godinho
I joined Wizzley on June 7, 2011 and spent a couple of hours playing around and understanding its functionality. At first glance, I must admit that I'm impressed with the simplicity and flexibility of this online article writing platform. I can see myself using this platform on a long-term basis to write articles that hopefully people find useful.
The reason I decided to create this first web page about me, is to introduce myself so people know the person behind the articles. I like to be as transparent as possible -- can you see through me yet? :)
By profession, I'm a Human Resources professional who has spent over 15 in the corporate world in the United Arab Emirates (U.A.E) and in Canada. I actively trade in the stock markets and am involved in internet marketing as well.
I like writing and creating video content. I find writing and video creation to be very relaxing and it's a great way to make some extra online income, especially when writing on revenue-sharing platforms. Also, you can benefit by incorporating affiliate programs on these article writing websites.
Why Join Wizzley?
The Reasons I Joined Wizzley
Some look at Wizzley as a competitor to Squidoo because they are both free, revenue-sharing writing sites that provide interested writers a platform to create unique web pages on various topics. Though, they may appear to be competitors, I believe you can use them both to complement one another, if you write on both platforms.
Given that Wizzley was launched just recently, it will have to work towards establishing a high Google's Page Rank and start building traffic. However, the fact that it was launched post Google Panda implementation and has attracted many top and quality writers, I have no doubt that the only way for Wizzley to move is, up.
Add to the fact that some Wizzley founders are successful, respected and long-time Squidoo lensmasters, they bring credibility to this writing site.
I decided to join Wizzley for the above mentioned reasons, as well as because I know a lot of Squidoo lensmasters here and I can leverage from both platforms, Squidoo and Wizzley by diversifying my online ventures. Another important aspect of Wizzley is its community of writers.
Wizzley article writer, wrylilt, has written an interesting article comparing Wizzley with Squidoo and Hubpages which covers various aspects of the three platforms.
Poll: Wizzley and You
Why did you Join Wizzley?
Poll: Wizzley and Squidoo
Are Wizzley and Squidoo Competitors?
AJ Godinho's Wizzley Guestbook
Please let me know you were here by in the Comments Section below
I'm excited about being part of the Wizzley community and writing original and unique content. I'm looking forward to interacting with many of Wizzley members and checking out their work. If you are not a member of Wizzley, feel free to learn more and join in. Thanks for dropping by!
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Comments Section
Hi AJ Nice to get to know you better.
Hi! I joined Wizzley for about the same reasons as you. Adding to my decision to continue is also the fact that it is easy to use! As for complementing Squidoo and other Internet platforms, it is so true.
I do think they complement each other. (My Squidoo lenses felt that it would be a good idea for me to join Wizzley.)
I am fairly new with Wizzley, joined a month or so ago, just started writing. It's good to see another familiar face here and I like your perspective on Wizzley complimenting Squidoo.
Hi AJ - I really like Wizzley so far, too! Squidoo is ok but for some reason I prefer this. Looking forward to reading more of your stuff!
I love the idea of using the comment space in an "About Me" page as a guestbook. Even more cool is that your link to it near the top of the page, brings you right to this spot!
Well hello there....once again we are starting about the same time, but this time on this new site. You have an interesting perspective about Wizzley complementing Squidoo...and it just might. Good to see you again AJ :)
Our paths cross again...and I'm glad to find you here in Wizzli-land. You will enjoy the journey. I am.
Lovely to meet you here:) Good to get to know you a little better. I agree I do believe Wizzley and Squidoo can compliment each other. I am looking forward to reading more of your pages.
AJ, I like to see you here, yes, wizzley is a great platform at this point and all of us must maintain the quality and preserve the beauty of simplicity and functionality.
About the people who consider Wizzley as a competition to anybody else... they are wrong, and they don't understand the nature of Internet...
Folks - in WWW it is enough space for all of us!
AJ, is great to have you wizzling with us.