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Why move to Austin, Texas? (Before it's too late)
I loved Austin when I lived there. But I'm in Willis now to be near my elderly dad who's in Houston. Willis is nice, but you couldn't pay me to live in Houston again. I'm not a city gal. I need the wide open spaces.
Ragtimelil, on 05/24/2012
Pictures Of Texas - Hill Country Wildflowers And Longhorns
Love it. Somehow, Zebu cattle don't look a bit out of place in Texas.
Ragtimelil, on 05/24/2012
Speccy: An Easy Way to Check Your PC's Performance
57C for CPU, 55C for motherboard, 52C for graphics, and it's pretty much sitting there idle.. If I start gaming it'd go all the way to 80-90C.. *gulps*
Lucas, on 05/24/2012
Viewing the Cerne Abbas Giant
You're very welcome. :) At one time, they experimented with just having sheep up there to keep the grass trim. It didn't work so well, so now it's human beings every 25 years re-cutting the lines.
JoHarrington, on 05/24/2012
Viewing the Cerne Abbas Giant
I love that even now, people still go up there to maintain this beautiful (if a little phallic) piece of history. Thanks for explaining why there's this huge picture of a naked guy carved into ...
Jackie, on 05/24/2012
Speccy: An Easy Way to Check Your PC's Performance
Yes, that's one of the computers in this house. That was freshly booted with little going on in the background. It's a desktop. What temperature is yours running at? Mine's currently 105 according to Speccy.
JoHarrington, on 05/24/2012
Speccy: An Easy Way to Check Your PC's Performance
The screenshot of Speccy you included, that's yours? In which state of running is your computer on? Just freshly booted or mid-games and full of processes running in the background? Also, ...
Lucas, on 05/24/2012
The Avengers TV Series Turns 50
I am a big fan of this series. My favourite female lead is Diana Rigg-Miss Emma Peel. This is a change for me as I usually prefer the first-and I do indeed love the other "Bond girl" who was first -Honor Blackman. I just have this thing about ...
FloraBreenRobison, on 05/24/2012
Waffle Irons with Fun Shapes
Aw, Sandy, you need a mother-daughter breakfast date so you can eat waffles to your hearts' desire. Katie, I think that batter container is ingenious. You can even measure your ingredients in it and use it to mix them up. Anything that makes ...
sheilamarie, on 05/24/2012
Mustache Party
Thanks Katie! I hope your daughter has a great party. :)
Janet21, on 05/23/2012
How to tell if your cat is playing or angry
Amy is at the point in her life where she is slowing down. She isn't strong enough for any more surgery, because the anathesia (however that is supposed to be spelled) is too strong for her now. So I will just have to see.
FloraBreenRobison, on 05/23/2012
Here There Be Dragons: My Afternoon at Jagex Studios
I'm sorry, I don't recall so and I didn't know to ask. :( Mod Poppy took me around the building, so it's possible that I did see things generally. However, I don't play FunOrb, so I wouldn't have recognized it.
JoHarrington, on 05/23/2012
Here There Be Dragons: My Afternoon at Jagex Studios
Did you see any indication that anything was being done with funorb at all?
Nin, on 05/23/2012
Words We Should Use More Often in the United States
I love it! But I'm not sure what antipated meant.....
Ragtimelil, on 05/23/2012
Keeping Goats
Yes, most of the time they're
Ragtimelil, on 05/23/2012

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