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Authority Backlinks
Susan, the backlinks are still useful, and the authority backlinks are the best, the method of getting them is easy, we must comment in the authority posts (usually are dofollow), and how to discover them is explained in this post. The initial ...
Michey, on 06/12/2011
Vintage Weddings | Themes
I didn't realize Vintage weddings were so hot right now.
vikksimmons, on 06/12/2011
Photography on Zazzle
I've bookmarked this because Zazzle is next on my list. ;)
vikksimmons, on 06/12/2011
Kindle Booklist
I've had a Kindle for years and absolutely love it. Nothing better for traveling or reading away from home.
vikksimmons, on 06/12/2011
Authority Backlinks
Bcarter, I bough a package in Aug. 2010,, in which authoritycode e-book was offered within that package. The reason you don't have the URL is that now that package is sold out, but the codes are exactly as I show you ...
Michey, on 06/12/2011
Crockpot Beef Barley Vegetable Soup
I love barley and love lentils. Now I'm hungry.
vikksimmons, on 06/12/2011
Lou’s Zazzle Journey
Zazzle is definitely looking more and more interesting. I enjoy photography myself and have a backload of photos to dip into.
vikksimmons, on 06/12/2011
A Wizzography
Lots of good stuff, here. Nice job. No Wizzography yet but I did do a Who is. :)
vikksimmons, on 06/12/2011
Authority Backlinks
I've seen a similar presentation in the past using this same method. Your statement at the top that authority backlinks continue to rank above everything else makes it clear that I need to buckle down and work on getting authority links for my ...
Susan52, on 06/12/2011
Authority Backlinks
Thanks for putting this in one place online. I had to dig and search for the PDF where Ryan gave away these authority codes. It does work, it's just something I got away from. I'll bookmark this so I have these codes in an easy access place ...
Bcarter, on 06/12/2011
My Zazzle Success Story
Great...and congratulations! What an inspiring story. Thanks!
kimbesa, on 06/12/2011
How To Find Due South Using the Sun at Any Time of Day
As always, your writing is so helpful to anyone who loves to hike and be outdoors. I love the photos of people actually finding south with the fist method. That book looks interesting too.
dustytoes, on 06/12/2011
Raising Bilingual Children
Very interesting.
mbgphoto, on 06/12/2011
Can I Work From Home?
Working from home isn't for everyone, especially those who want a steady income and need the discipline and social buzz of a traditional work environment. But, if it suits you and you are prepared to put in a lot of work for delayed reward, I'd ...
WordCustard, on 06/12/2011
Raising Bilingual Children
Very informative and it is important that Children have a grasp of more than their native language in our more globally connected world
pkmcr, on 06/12/2011

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