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Some of Irenemarias paintings and drawings
wonderful paintings! I love your roses.
louisa, on 05/28/2011
Photography on Zazzle
I love Zazzle too. It's a great way to let our creative juices flow.
CherylsArt, on 05/28/2011
Patriotic Vision
Marelisa, that is a lovely poem. It's the first time I've heard it. Yes, it sounds very similar to what I'm saying. Thanks for sharing it.
CherylsArt, on 05/28/2011
Introducing Joan Adams
You are one of the first people who inspired me when I joined Squidoo several years I am really glad to see you here on Wizzley. I like your "Petunia" name too!
mbgphoto, on 05/28/2011
Who is Jewelsofawe
I love your photography and poems but didn't realize we had several other things in common too. I also attended Lutheran schools K through high school. I'm married to the love of my life and I also love purple. Oh yes, I've been to Kuauai and ...
mbgphoto, on 05/28/2011
How To Make Money on Zazzle
I have a Zazzle account that I have fun with, but have not worked on it seriously yet. It is something I really want to do soon though! :)
JoyfulPamela, on 05/28/2011
Ten Ways to NOT Make Money on Zazzle
Great tips, love your presentation and your sense of humor. Fantastic page :)
Guest, on 05/28/2011
Introducing Joan Adams
And you have another name that many of us call you...Friend! What a lovely and inspirational introduction!
bev-owens, on 05/28/2011
Baby Sign Language Baby
Wonderful looking page! : )
JoyfulPamela, on 05/28/2011
Introducing Joan Adams
So great to read your bio. I love the nickname petunia. That was the nickname that my PopPop had for my Grandma.
wenkrick, on 05/28/2011
Easy to Cook Filipino Recipes -
Oh so much nice food you have here! Mmmm
irenemaria, on 05/28/2011
Poppies in Spring
I have always loved poppies!
irenemaria, on 05/28/2011
Coconut Macaroons - Tres Leches Recipe
Oh Chef - how much do I wish to be a better cook
irenemaria, on 05/28/2011
Is It SquidRich or Waxing-Lyrical?
My mentor is much more good looking! She is Grandma Barb on Squidoo =)
irenemaria, on 05/28/2011
Vintage Style Wedding Invitations
I think I have to find a guy to marry so I can use one of these =D
irenemaria, on 05/28/2011

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