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A little about Spook
Nice to meet you here, I am a big fan of you on Squidoo.
howcurecancer, on 05/27/2011
Missouri Botanical Garden
Sounds like a fascinating place and thanks for sharing your obvious passion for it
pkmcr, on 05/27/2011
How To Make Money on Zazzle
I discovered Zazzle last year and thoroughly enjoy it. I'm currently working on developing some new specialty stores. It's just plain fun and profitable too!
ohcaroline, on 05/27/2011
Photography on Zazzle
Love your flower calendar and your photography!
Jewelsofawe, on 05/27/2011
Missouri Botanical Garden
Beautiful! Thank you for the tour. I always love your photos and now I feel I must see the Missouri Botanical Gardens in person :)
Sylvestermouse, on 05/27/2011
Missouri Botanical Garden
Love your page and pretty flowers!
Jewelsofawe, on 05/27/2011
How To Ask For A Raise
Very sound advice, Paul, for those asking for a raise. I can't recall having asked for a raise. However, I did decide on one occasion that I wanted to work for another public sector organization. So I visited the Boss and said if you let me do ...
ronpass, on 05/27/2011
Shopping Wind Up Buying Ice
Gee, you sound like Stephen Covey, management guru, who used to go out of his way to test customer service in organizations by challenging the policy limits. He would ask for a swim past the stated 9pm deadline or seek room service after the ...
ronpass, on 05/27/2011
Creating Bookmarks at Zazzle
LOL Ramkitten!! I do not mind helping where I can :0)
WhiteOak50, on 05/27/2011
Baby Shower Invitations
I loved the way your description of the Baby Shower leads naturally to the Zazzle products you offer. This is a very personal statement as well, as is your other article on teenage pregnancy - a very important trait for a good writer. Looking ...
ronpass, on 05/27/2011
Weaving the Web of Flowers
Beautiful flowers. Love your Zazzle products.
mbgphoto, on 05/27/2011
Photography on Zazzle
Great use of your photos! You have some good tips here on how to promote them, too.
sheilamarie, on 05/27/2011
Creating Bookmarks at Zazzle
Thanks! I do have a question, so I'll email you soon. But I won't bombard you with all my questions. :-) I'll spread them around!
Ramkitten, on 05/27/2011
DecoratingforEvents | Mandee Sears
Nice first post, Mandee! It's great to learn more of your story. You will be an asset to this writing community as you are at Squidoo. Good luck on your move!
sheilamarie, on 05/27/2011
Vintage Style Wedding Invitations
Love these - such romantic invites!
annie, on 05/27/2011

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